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Non generic publish & subscription extension methods

Pete Smith edited this page Jul 31, 2014 · 2 revisions

AzureNetQ allows you to subscribe to, and publish a message simply by providing a handler for a given message type:

bus.Subscribe<MyMessage>(x => Console.WriteLine(x.Text));



But what do you do if you are discovering the message type at runtime? For example, you might have some system which loads add-ins and wants to subscribe to message types on their behalf. AzureNetQ provides you with non-generic publish and subscription methods just for this purpose.

The generic publish methods can be found as members of the IBus interface:

void Publish(Type type, object message);
void Publish(Type type, object message, string topic);
void Publish(Type type, object message, Action<IPublishConfiguration> configure);
void Publish(Type type, object message, string topic, Action<IPublishConfiguration> configure);

Task PublishAsync(Type type, object message);
Task PublishAsync(Type type, object message, string topic);
Task PublishAsync(Type type, object message, Action<IPublishConfiguration> configure);
Task PublishAsync(Type type, object message, string topicName, Action<IPublishConfiguration> configure);

In order to use the generic subscribe methods, just add this using statement:

using AzureNetQ.NonGeneric;

...which provides you with these subscription extension methods:

public static IDisposable Subscribe(this IBus bus, Type messageType, Action<object> onMessage)
public static IDisposable Subscribe(
    this IBus bus,
    Type messageType,
    Action<object> onMessage,
    Action<ISubscriptionConfiguration> configure)

public static IDisposable SubscribeAsync(this IBus bus, Type messageType, Func<object, Task> onMessage)
public static IDisposable SubscribeAsync(
    this IBus bus,
    Type messageType,
    Func<object, Task> onMessage,
    Action<ISubscriptionConfiguration> configure)

They are just like the Publish and Subscribe methods on IBus except that you provide a Type argument instead of the generic argument, and the message handler is an Action<object> instead of an Action<T>.

Here’s an example of the non-generic subscribe in use:

var messageType = typeof(MyMessage);
bus.Subscribe(messageType, x =>    
        var message = (MyMessage)x;        
        Console.Out.WriteLine("Got Message: {0}", x.Text);    

Here's an example of the non-generic publish in use:

var messageType = typeof(MyMessage);
bus.Publish(messageType, theMessage);