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Signed-off-by: yamato-ando <Yamato ANDO>
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yamato-ando authored and yamato-ando committed Nov 16, 2023
1 parent ee89ab4 commit 88067ec
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Showing 2 changed files with 45 additions and 84 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -164,41 +164,14 @@ void LidarMarkerLocalizer::points_callback(
// ex.what());
// }

// TODO transform sensor_frame to base_link

sensor_msgs::msg::PointCloud2 sensor_points_msg_on_base_link = *points_msg_ptr;
// convert to XYZIR point cloud
PointCloudXYZIR points[128];
for (size_t i = 0;
i < / sensor_points_msg_on_base_link.point_step;
i++) {
PointXYZIR point;
point.point.x = *(float *)&
[i * sensor_points_msg_on_base_link.point_step +
point.point.y = *(float *)&
[i * sensor_points_msg_on_base_link.point_step +
point.point.z = *(float *)&
[i * sensor_points_msg_on_base_link.point_step +
point.intensity = *(float *)&
[i * sensor_points_msg_on_base_link.point_step +
point.ring = *(unsigned short *)&
[i * sensor_points_msg_on_base_link.point_step +


pcl::PointCloud<autoware_point_types::PointXYZIRADRT>::Ptr points_ptr(
new pcl::PointCloud<autoware_point_types::PointXYZIRADRT>);
pcl::fromROSMsg(*points_msg_ptr, *points_ptr);

std::vector<pcl::PointCloud<autoware_point_types::PointXYZIRADRT>> ring_points;

double min_x = 100.0;
double max_x = -100.0;
for (const auto & point : points_ptr->points) {
Expand All @@ -213,82 +186,74 @@ void LidarMarkerLocalizer::points_callback(

// initialize variables
int vote[400];
double feature_sum[400];
double distance[400];
for (size_t i = 0; i < 400; i++) {
vote[i] = 0;
distance[i] = 100;
feature_sum[i] = 0;

// Eigen::Vector4f min_p, max_p;
// Get the minimum and maximum dimensions
// pcl::getMinMax3D<autoware_point_types::PointXYZIRADRT> (*points_ptr, min_p, max_p); // TODO
// need only x

// Check that the leaf size is not too small, given the size of the data
const double resolution = 0.05;
int64_t dx = static_cast<int64_t>((max_x - min_x) * (1 / resolution) + 1);
int dx = static_cast<int>((max_x - min_x) * (1 / resolution) + 1);
std::cerr << "dx " << dx << std::endl;

// initialize variables
std::vector<int> vote(dx, 0);
std::vector<double> feature_sum(dx, 0);
std::vector<double> distance(dx, 100);

// for target rings
for (size_t target_ring = 5; target_ring < 45; target_ring++) {
for (size_t target_ring = 0; target_ring < ring_points.size(); target_ring++) {
// initialize intensity line image
double intensity_line_image[400];
int intensity_line_image_num[400];
for (size_t i = 0; i < 400; i++) {
intensity_line_image[i] = 0;
intensity_line_image_num[i] = 0;

for (size_t i = 0; i < points[target_ring].size(); i++) {
PointXYZIR point;
point = points[target_ring][i];
if (point.point.y > 0 && point.point.y < 7.5) {
int ix;
ix = point.point.x / 0.05 + 200;
if (ix >= 0 && ix < 400) {
intensity_line_image[ix] += point.intensity;
if (distance[ix] > point.point.y) distance[ix] = point.point.y;
std::vector<double> intensity_line_image(dx, 0);
std::vector<int> intensity_line_image_num(dx, 0);

for (size_t i = 0; i < ring_points[target_ring].size(); i++) {
autoware_point_types::PointXYZIRADRT point;
point = ring_points[target_ring].points[i];
int ix = (point.x - min_x) * (1 / resolution);
intensity_line_image[ix] += point.intensity;
if (distance[ix] > point.y) {
distance[ix] = point.y;

// average
for (size_t i = 0; i < 400; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < dx; i++) {
if (intensity_line_image_num[i] > 0)
intensity_line_image[i] /= (double)intensity_line_image_num[i];

// filter
for (size_t i = 10; i < 400 - 10; i++) {
const int filter_window_size = 5;
// const double marker_width = 0.2;
// const int positive_window_size = marker_width / resolution;
const int positive_window_size = 2;
const int negative_window_size = filter_window_size - positive_window_size;

const int intensity_difference_threshold = 20;
const int positive_vote_threshold = 3;
const int negative_vote_threshold = 3;

for (int i = filter_window_size*2; i < dx - filter_window_size*2; i++) {
double pos = 0;
double neg = 0;
double max = -1;
double min = 1000;

// find max_min
for (int j = -5; j <= 5; j++) {
for (int j = -filter_window_size; j <= filter_window_size; j++) {
if (max < intensity_line_image[i + j]) max = intensity_line_image[i + j];
if (min > intensity_line_image[i + j]) min = intensity_line_image[i + j];

if (max > min) {
double median = (max - min) / 2.0 + min;
for (int j = -2; j <= 2; j++) {
if (median + 20 < intensity_line_image[i + j]) pos += 1;
for (int j = -positive_window_size; j <= positive_window_size; j++) {
if (median + intensity_difference_threshold < intensity_line_image[i + j]) pos += 1;
for (int j = -5; j <= -4; j++) {
if (median - 20 > intensity_line_image[i + j]) neg += 1;
for (int j = -filter_window_size; j <= -negative_window_size; j++) {
if (median - intensity_difference_threshold > intensity_line_image[i + j]) neg += 1;
for (int j = 4; j <= 5; j++) {
if (median - 20 > intensity_line_image[i + j]) neg += 1;
for (int j = negative_window_size; j <= filter_window_size; j++) {
if (median - intensity_difference_threshold > intensity_line_image[i + j]) neg += 1;
if (pos >= 3 && neg >= 3) {
if (pos >= positive_vote_threshold && neg >= negative_vote_threshold) {
feature_sum[i] += (max - min);
Expand All @@ -298,12 +263,15 @@ void LidarMarkerLocalizer::points_callback(

// extract feature points
std::vector<geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped> marker_pose_on_base_link_array;
for (int i = 10; i < 400 - 10; i++) {
if (vote[i] > 20) {
const int vote_threshold_for_detect_marker = 20;
const int filter_window_size = 5; // TODO duplicated parameter

for (int i = filter_window_size*2; i < dx - filter_window_size*2; i++) {
if (vote[i] > vote_threshold_for_detect_marker) {
geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped marker_pose_on_base_link;
marker_pose_on_base_link.header.stamp = sensor_ros_time;
marker_pose_on_base_link.header.frame_id = "base_link";
marker_pose_on_base_link.pose.position.x = (i - 200) * 0.05;
marker_pose_on_base_link.pose.position.x = (i - dx / 2) * resolution;
marker_pose_on_base_link.pose.position.y = distance[i];
marker_pose_on_base_link.pose.position.z = 0.2 + 1.75 / 2.0; // TODO
marker_pose_on_base_link.pose.orientation =
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -49,13 +49,6 @@ class LidarMarkerLocalizer : public rclcpp::Node
using MarkerArray = visualization_msgs::msg::MarkerArray;

struct PointXYZIR
pcl::PointXYZ point;
float intensity;
unsigned short ring; // ring number if available
typedef std::vector<PointXYZIR> PointCloudXYZIR;


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