Logs CSV to the logfile from the incoming json. See mqttLocalLoggerCSV.README.md for details.
Returns the json pointed to by jsonPath from the original json object. See test_jsonPath.README.md for details.
Takes a column of raw data and turns them into json mqtt packets. See feedValuesToMQTT.README.md for details.
mqttLocalLogger subscribes to one or more mqtt topics and logs to one or multiple log files.
sudo apt-get install mosquitto-dev
sudo apt-get install libjson-c-dev
sudo apt-get install libmosquittopp-dev
sudo apt-get install libssl1.0-dev
sudo apt-get install libncurses-dev
If the current linux version does not include json-c-0.14 or above then:
git clone https://github.com/aprsworld/mqttLocalLogger.git
mkdir json-c-build
cd json-c-build
cmake ../json-c
cd ..
mv json-c json-c-0.14
switch | Required/Optional | argument | description |
--mqtt-topic | REQUIRED | topic | mqtt topic |
--mqtt-status-topic | OPTIOBAL | topic | mqtt topic for logging the status of the logger |
--log-file-suffix | OPTIONAL | text | end each log filename with suffix ie. ".json" default="" |
--mqtt-port | OPTIONAL | number | default is 1883 |
--log-dir | OPTIONAL | path | logging derectory, default="logLocal" |
--unitary-log-file | OPTIONAL | (none) | all logging will be done to one file in the logging derectory |
--log-file-prefix | OPTIONAL | text | start each log filename with prefix rather than YYYYMMDD |
--split-log-file-by-day | OPTIONAL | (none) | start each log file with YYYYMMDD, start new file each day. (default) |
--verbose | OPTIONAL | (none) | Turn on verbose (debuging). |
--help | OPTIONAL | (none) | displays help and exits |
There is one required argument and one required option. The mqtt host must be on the command line. Typically that is is localhost. The required option is -t (one or more times).
./mqttLocalLogger --mqtt-topic topic/left/right --mqtt-host localhost
This causes mqttLocalLogger to subscribe to the mqtt server on local host with the topic of topic/left/right
. Any messages on
that topic will be logged to the file ./logLocal/topic/left/rigth/YYYYMMDD
, where if the current date is Christmas 2020 then
YYYYMMDD="20201225". Any packet received will be prepended with "2020-12-25 13:45:20," or whatever the current date and time.
./mqttLocalLogger --mqtt-topic topic/left/right --log-file-suffix .json --mqtt-host localhost
Nothing changes from the simplest example except that any messages on
that topic will be logged to the file ./logLocal/topic/left/rigth/YYYYMMDD.json
./mqttLocalLogger --log-dir updown --mqtt-topic topic/left/right --mqtt-host localhost
Nothing changes from the simplest example except that any messages on
that topic will be logged to the file ./up/down/topic/left/rigth/YYYYMMDD
./mqttLocalLogger --log-file-prefix BalloonData --mqtt-topic topic/left/right --mqtt-host localhost
Nothing changes from the simplest example except that any messages on
that topic will be logged to the file ./logLocal/topic/left/rigth/BalloonData
Nothing changes from the simplest example except that a connection is attempted to mqtt server on port 2025 instead of 1883.
./mqttLocalLogger --mqtt-topic topic/left/right --mqtt-topic topic/right/left --mqtt-port 2025 --log-file-prefix BalloonData --log-dir up/down --log-file-suffix .json --mqtt-hot localhost
mqttLocalLogger will attempt to connect to the mqtt localhost server on port 2025. It will verify that ./up/down/
is usable and if
not will attempt to fix it. It will verify that ./up/down/topic/left/right
and ./up/down/topic/right/left
are usable and
attempt to fix any problems. When data comes in depending on which topic the data will be written to the files
or ./up/down/topic/right/left/BalloonData.json