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File metadata and controls

241 lines (155 loc) · 7.37 KB



mqttLocalLoggerCSV subscribes to one or more mqtt topics and logs to one csv file.
The configuration files contains information on subscription topics, columns, and methods. If the --display-herz is used then data is not logged but is displayed to the screen using ncurses.


sudo apt-get install mosquitto-dev

sudo apt-get install libjson-c-dev

sudo apt-get install libmosquittopp-dev

sudo apt-get install libssl1.0-dev

If libjson-c does not support json_pointer.h than a more current version will need to be downloaded and the necessary work for statically linking to the local build will be necessary.



Command line switches

switch Required/Optional argument description
--configuration REQUIRED text Contains json array of columns defining i/o
--mqtt-host REQUIRED Is a qualified host or ip address that has moquitto server.
--hertz OPTIONAL integer Default hertz = 1.
--millisecond-interval OPTIONAL number Number of mSeconds between output lines. Not required if --herz used.
--display-hertz OPTIONAL number Turns off logging and displays to screen formatted
--log-file-suffix OPTIONAL text end each log filename with suffix ie. ".csv" default=".csv"
--mqtt-port OPTIONAL number default is 1883
--log-dir OPTIONAL path logging derectory, default="logLocal"
--log-file-prefix OPTIONAL text start each log filename with prefix rather than YYYYMMDD
--verbose OPTIONAL (none) Turn on verbose (debuging).
--help OPTIONAL (none) displays help and exits


All of the fun stuff occurs in --configuration file.

Simplest example

./mqttLocalLoggerCSV --mqtt-host localhost --configuration 123.conf

This causes mqttLocalLoggerCSV to read the configuration file and subscribe to the mqtt server on local host with the topics described in the configuration file. Any messages on the topics will be logged to the file ./logLocal/YYYYMMDD.csv, where if the current date is Christmas 2020 then YYYYMMDD="20201225". Any packet received will be prepended with "2020-12-25 13:45:20," or whatever the current date and time.

Adding --log-dir up/down

./mqttLocalLoggerCSV --log-dir up/down --mqtt-host localhost --configuration 123.conf

Nothing changes from the simplest example except that any messages on that topic will be logged to the file ./up/down/YYYYMMDD.csv.

Adding --log-file-prefix BalloonData

./mqttLocalLoggerCSV --log-file-prefix BalloonData --mqtt-host localhost --configuration 123.conf

Nothing changes from the simplest example except that any messages on that topic will be logged to the file ./logLocal/BalloonData.csv.

Adding --mqtt-port 2025

Nothing changes from the simplest example except that a connection is attempted to mqtt server on port 2025 instead of 1883.


A configuration file is written in json format and contains a json array labeled columns.

    "columns": [
        "csvColumn": "B",
        "csvOutput": "value",
        "csvTitle": "date",
        "mqttTopic": "left/WC",
        "jsonPath": "/date"
        "csvColumn": "C",
        "csvOutput": "value",
        "csvTitle": "WeighContinuousValue",
        "mqttTopic": "left/WC",
        "jsonPath": "/formattedData/WC/WeighContinuous/value"


Must be unique for each column and one or 2 upper case letters. "A" is reserved the for the program supplied date, so the range is from "B" to "ZZ". A sparce matrix or gaps are allowed. The order of the columns in the configuration file is unimportant to the program as it will output in column order.


Determines the type of output.


will output as a string, whatever the elements that is pointed to.


will output as a integer, whatever the elements that is pointed to.


will output as a double, whatever the elements that is pointed to.


will output as an integer, the number of times the element that was pointed to occurred.


will output as a double the sum of the elements that occurred for each element pointed to. ie. 5 5 5 putputs 15.000


will output as a double the mean of the elements that occurred for each element pointed to. ie. 4 5 6 outputs 5.000


will output as a double the standard deviation of the elements that occurred for each element pointed to.


will output as at double, the largest value that occurred in the period.


will output as a double, the smallest value that occurred in the period.


When the program starts the first line in the csv ouput will look like this:


combining DATE with column B csvTitle and column C csvTitle.


This must contain the exact topic desired. These are not required to be uniform or unique. Any valid topic is allowed but remember it must be available on the host or no usable data will be output.


The jsonPath is required but maybe empty if you are using csvOutputFormat as a literal and the csvColumn is also empty.

This must conform to RFC 6901. I will explain the basic using the example below:

  "date":"2020-05-08 14:57:07.863",
  "rawData":"  -65.859031",


Will point to "2020-05-08 14:57:07.863". Since this is just a string you can use value or count.


Will point to a json object and you probably don't want that.


will point to -65.859031000000002. Since this a numeric item you can use all csvOuput including value, count, sum, mean, and standard-deviation.

csvTitleY, csvTitleX, csvAgerY, csvAgerX, csvOutputY, csvOutputX


Is the Y coordinate on the screen. When --display-hertz is used then this determines the row for the csvTitle.


Is the X coordinate on the screen. When --display-hertz is used then this determines the column for the csvTitle.


Is the Y coordinate on the screen. When --display-hertz is used then this determines the the row to post the data-age in seconds.


Is the X coordinate on the screen. When --display-hertz is used then this determines the the cloumn to post the data-age in seconds.


Is the Y coordinate on the screen. When --display-hertz is used then this determines the the row to post the csvOutput.


Is the X coordinate on the screen. When --display-hertz is used then this determines the the column to post the csvOutput.


Will apply a printf like formatting to the data in the column. This format will pertain to data displayed on a screen or written to the CSV logfile. Typical formats might be "%8.8s", "%06d"``,"%9.2lf"`, etc.

If you use a format "$%3.2lf" and you do not want the $ to show in the csv file then you must create a column entry where csvColumn="", and the format to be "$". Then use "%9.2lf"` in the entry that has a non-empty csvColumn.

Simply put anything that is to be excluded from the csv file must have an empty csvColumn and may have an empty jsonPath.

Sample Configurations

See mqttLocalLogger.example.conf/ for details.