# Pintos
Labs for undergraduate OS class (600.318) at Johns Hopkins. [Pintos](http://pintos-os.org)
is a teaching operating system for x86, challenging but not overwhelming, small
but realistic enough to understand OS in depth (it can run x86 machine and simulators
including QEMU, Bochs and VMWare Player!). The main source code, documentation and assignments
are developed by Ben Pfaff and others from Stanford (refer to its [LICENSE](./LICENSE)).
The course instructor ([Ryan Huang]([email protected])) made some changes to the original
Pintos labs to tailor for his class. The upstream for this branch comes from
https://github.com/ryanphuang/PintosM.git. For students in the class, please
download the release version for this branch at https://github.com/jhu-cs318/pintos.git
Editted by HT Liu for Pintos project.