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Demitrios V edited this page Apr 18, 2020 · 4 revisions

Using Pronterface

Here are some notes about using the mpmd_marlin_1.1.x firmware with Printrun 2.x (aka Pronterface). In our testing, we use the latest python3 version running on Linux (Debian), but our experience should be generally applicable.

USB serial connection and Windows

It appears that Microsoft Windows does NOT recognize the USB serial link created by the mpmd_marlin_1.1.x firmware. Consequently, Pronterface does not identify a COM port that can be used to connect to the printer. This issue is reported by @ramin3 in this issue with follow-up in this issue. Apparently, Windows COM port drivers are needed.

Kudos to @PurpleHullPeas for coming up with the solution: install the Windows COM port drivers from Marlin4MPMD (actually from STMicroelectronics).

Information and the drivers can be found at:

Faster uploads with M990

Starting with release 119r09, the contents of the micro SD card include miscellany/, a python (command line) script that can upload files (via the USB port) to the MP Mini Delta printer. The script exploits the custom M990 command found in the mpmd_marlin_1.1.x firmware to upload a file to the printer's SD card. Though not a speed demon, it is significantly faster than Marlin's M28 command, and it transfers the gcode file unaltered. In our testing, transfer rates of ~8Mbytes/minute were typical.

Set-up for faster uploads

The M990 g-code can be used from Pronterface to upload the currently loaded file to the printer's micro SD card. To configure Pronterface to allow for faster uploads, use the following steps:

  • Copy the command,, to a location that is included in your computer's command search path (make sure that the file is executable).

  • In Pronterface, create a macro (menubar Settings/Macros/<New...>) called AO_M990 with the following script:

    ! = ' -d "{}" -s "{}" "$s"'.format(self.p.port, self.p.baud)
    ! self.disconnect()
    ! print('AO_M990: {}'.format(self.filename))
    ! self.do_run_script(
    ! self.connect()
  • In Pronterface, add a custom button (click the + button). Give it an appropriate title (e.g. Upload to SD) and set the command to AO_M990 (the name of the macro in the previous step).

Using the custom button

Click on the custom button to upload the currently loaded file to the printer's micro SD card. During the upload process, the printer will display target temperatures of 1 and 1, and the printer's LED will pulse green. It is possible to abort the upload using the printer's "Cancel" button. When the process completes, Pronterface indicates success or failure in its console window.

Known limitations:
  • The uploaded file is always placed in the root directory of the SD card;
  • The uploaded file will be named in DOS8.3 format (not a long file name);
  • No ability to manually set the file name on the SD card;
  • Pronterface does not show any meaningful upload progress; and
  • Pronterface has no facility to cancel the upload process.

Hopefully future improvements to the command line script,, will remove some of the current limitations.