A package to convert different [ROS1] messages for POSES. Messages contained in rosbag files can be converted into CSV files in different output formats using ROSBAG2CSV. The other way round is supported by the class CSV2ROSbag, taking multiple CSV files and writing them into a single bag file.
The supported ROS1 message types are defined in ROSMessageTypes (basically all ROS1 geometry_msgs).
The package is easily extendable (Open-Closed-Principle). Just create a new ROSMessageType, and make an addition to
The supported CSV formats for poses are defined in the enum CSVFormatPose of the package cnspy_spatial_csv_formats.
Install the current code base from GitHub and pip install a link to that cloned copy
git clone https://github.com/aau-cns/cnspy_rosbag2csv.git
cd cnspy_rosbag2csv
pip install -e .
or the official package via
pip install cnspy-rosbag2csv
This package requires a local ROS installation.
It is part of the cnspy eco-system of the cns-github group.
Main dependencies are:
- CSV2ROSbag
- ROSbag2CSV
- ROSbag_ReTimestamp
- ROSbagMerge
Convert multiple trajectory CSV files into a bag file.
rosbag2csv$ python CSV2ROSbag.py -h
usage: CSV2ROSbag.py [-h] [--bagfile_name BAGFILE_NAME]
[--topics [TOPICS [TOPICS ...]]]
[--filenames [FILENAMES [FILENAMES ...]]]
[--result_dir RESULT_DIR] [--verbose]
CSV2ROSbag: read CSV files and convert lines to specified ROS msg and store
them into a rosbag
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--bagfile_name BAGFILE_NAME
name of bag file (no path!)
--topics [TOPICS [TOPICS ...]]
topics to create
--filenames [FILENAMES [FILENAMES ...]]
csv filename of corresponding topic
CSV format
--result_dir RESULT_DIR
directory to store results [otherwise bagfile name
will be a directory]
rosbag2csv$ python CSV2ROSbag.py --bagfile_name dummy.bag --topics /pose_est /pose_gt --filenames ../sample_data/ID1-pose-est-cov.csv ../sample_data/ID1-pose-gt.csv --fmt_list GEOMETRY_MSGS_POSEWITHCOVARIANCESTAMPED GEOMETRY_MSGS_POSESTAMPED --verbose
Convert a ROS bagfile into multipe CSV files.
rosbag2csv$ python ROSbag2CSV.py -h
usage: ROSbag2CSV.py [-h] [--bagfile BAGFILE] [--topics [TOPICS [TOPICS ...]]]
[--filenames [FILENAMES [FILENAMES ...]]]
[--result_dir RESULT_DIR] [--verbose]
[--format {PoseCov,PoseWithCov,TUM,TUM_short,none}]
ROSbag2CSV: extract and store given topics of a rosbag into a CSV file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--bagfile BAGFILE input bag file
--topics [TOPICS [TOPICS ...]]
desired topics
--filenames [FILENAMES [FILENAMES ...]]
csv filename of corresponding topic
--result_dir RESULT_DIR
directory to store results [otherwise bagfile name
will be a directory]
--format {PoseCov,PoseWithCov,TUM,TUM_short,none}
CSV format
rosbag2csv$ python ROSbag2CSV.py --bagfile ../sample_data/dummy.bag --topics /pose_est /pose_gt --verbose --filename ../sample_data/NEW-ID1-pose-est-cov.csv ../sample_data/NEW-ID1-pose-gt.csv --format PoseWithCov
Merges all bag file in a specified directory or from a provided list into one bag file
rosbag2csv$ python ROSbagMerge.py -h
usage: ROSbagMerge.py [-h] [--outbag_name OUTBAG_NAME] [--input_dir INPUT_DIR] [--input_files INPUT_FILES [INPUT_FILES ...]] [--verbose] [--use_header_timestamp] [-l WHITE_LIST [WHITE_LIST ...]]
ROSbagMerge: merge all bag file in a specified directory or from a provided list into one bag file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--outbag_name OUTBAG_NAME
name of created bag file
--input_dir INPUT_DIR
directory containing bag files to be merged
--input_files INPUT_FILES [INPUT_FILES ...]
a list of files to be merged
overwrites the bag time with the header time stamp
-l WHITE_LIST [WHITE_LIST ...], --white_list WHITE_LIST [WHITE_LIST ...]
white list of topic names or fractions of it that are expected
rosbag2csv$ python ROSbagMerge.py --outbag_name /tmp/merged.bag --input_files /tmp/uav10/_2024-02-06-16-33-50.bag /tmp/uav11/_2024-02-06-16-33-50.bag /tmp/uav12/_2024-02-06-16-33-50.bag --verbose --white_list mavros hw_api /tf data_handler vrpn_client uvdar/
rosbag2csv$ python ROSbagMerge.py --outbag_name /tmp/sim_tp.bag --input_dir /tmp/MultiAgentUWB/EuRoC_D140_A0_Mesh0/run1/bags --verbose --use_header_timestamp
Sets the rosbag time to the timestamp of the msgs header
rosbag2csv$ python ROSbag_ReTimestamp.py -h
usage: ROSbag_ReTimestamp.py [-h] [--outbag_name OUTBAG_NAME] --inbag_name INBAG_NAME [--verbose] [--use_header_timestamp]
ROSbag_ReTimestamp: sets the rosbag time to the timestamp of the msgs header
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--outbag_name OUTBAG_NAME
name of created bag file
--inbag_name INBAG_NAME
name of original bag file
overwrites the bag time with the header time stamp
Software License Agreement (GNU GPLv3 License), refer to the LICENSE file.
Sharing is caring! - Roland Jung