Full Changelog: MLAHelper...v1.0.5
Here are the installation steps:
- Open the Google Dock of your choice and under the top menu select Extensions\Apps Script
- When the new tab opens, delete the premade text and paste the code.
- Go back to the dock, click refresh, and enjoy!
//WillDevv12 was here//
//For more Google Script related content, see https://github.com/WillDev12//
var ui = DocumentApp.getUi();var doc = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument(),body = doc.getBody(),cup = body.getParagraphs();function onOpen() {ui.createMenu('MLA Helper').addItem('Launch GUI', 'launchGUI').addSeparator().addItem('Make MLA Header', 'newHeader').addItem('New Quote', 'newQuote').addSeparator().addSubMenu(DocumentApp.getUi().createMenu('New Citing').addItem('Create Citings Page', 'citingsPage').addSeparator().addItem('Book', 'newCitation')).addSubMenu(DocumentApp.getUi().createMenu('Fonts').addItem("Times New Romanator", "timesNew").addItem("Italicator", "italixer")).addToUi();ui.alert("MLA Helper v1.0.5 script by WillDevv12 \n\n Catch me on GitHub: https://github.com/WillDev12");}function newQuote(){var output = UrlFetchApp.fetch("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/WillDev12/MLA-Helper/main/scr/html/quote.html");var form = HtmlService.createHtmlOutput(output.getContentText()).setWidth(800).setHeight(360);ui.showModalDialog(form, '');}function newCitation(){var output = UrlFetchApp.fetch("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/WillDev12/MLA-Helper/main/scr/html/citation.html");var form = HtmlService.createHtmlOutput(output.getContentText()).setWidth(800).setHeight(700);ui.showModalDialog(form, 'New Citation');}function newHeader(){body.insertParagraph(0, "Name\nTeacher's Name\nClass\nDate (Day# Month Year)\n\n");body.insertParagraph(1, "TITLE").setAlignment(DocumentApp.HorizontalAlignment.CENTER);}function returnedHeading(title, name, tname, came, day, month, year) {const monthNames = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June","July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"];body.insertParagraph(0, name+"\n"+tname+"\n"+came+"\n"+day+" "+monthNames[month]+" "+ year +"\n\n");body.insertParagraph(1, title).setAlignment(DocumentApp.HorizontalAlignment.CENTER);}function timesNew(){const selection = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument().getSelection();if (selection != null) {const element = selection.getRangeElements()[0];element.getElement().asText().setFontFamily(element.getStartOffset(),element.getEndOffsetInclusive(),"Times New Roman").setFontSize(element.getStartOffset(), element.getEndOffsetInclusive(),12);} else {var e = "nullselected";FeedbackError(e);}}function italixer(){const selection = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument().getSelection();if (selection != null) {const element = selection.getRangeElements()[0];element.getElement().asText().setItalic(true);} else {var e = "nullselected";FeedbackError(e);}}function citingsPage(){var par = doc.getParagraphs();var num = 1;for (var i in par) {num++;}num = num - 1;body.insertPageBreak(num);body.insertParagraph(num + 1, "Works Cited").setAlignment(DocumentApp.HorizontalAlignment.CENTER);body.insertParagraph(num + 2, "");par = doc.getParagraphs();var position = doc.newPosition(par[par.length-1], 0);doc.setCursor(position);}function SendQuote(quote, author, pagen) {var str = '"' + quote + '" (' + author + " " + pagen + ").";var cursor = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument().getCursor();var surroundingText = cursor.getSurroundingText();surroundingText.appendText(str);}function citeBook(cont, afn, amn, aln, asfx, title, pub, city, sn, snum, edition, year) {var product = "";var product2 = "";var indent1 = "";var italix = "";if (aln === "") {} else {product = aln + ", "}if (amn === "") {} else {product = product + amn + " "}if (afn === "") {} else {product = product + afn + ", "}if (asfx === "") {} else {product = product + asfx + ", "}if (cont === "role") {} else {product = product + cont + ". "}if (title === "") {} else {italix = title + ". "}if (edition === "") {} else {product2 = edition + " ed., "}if (city === "") {} else {product2 = product2 + city +", "}if (pub === "") {} else {indent1 = pub + ", "}if (year === "") {} else {indent1 = indent1 + year + ". "}if (sn === "") {} else {indent1 = indent1 + sn + ", "}if (snum === "") {} else {indent1 = indent1 + snum + "."}var output = "<p>"+product+"<i>"+italix+"</i>"+product2+"<br> "+indent1;var form = HtmlService.createHtmlOutput(output).setWidth(500).setHeight(150);ui.showModalDialog(form, 'Output Citation');}function FeedbackError(e) {if (e === "null") {ui.alert("ERROR: One or more required inputs are missing.")} else if (e === "nullselected") {ui.alert("ERROR: You must select text before running this script.")} else {ui.alert(e);}}function launchGUI() {var s = UrlFetchApp.fetch("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/WillDev12/MLA-Helper/main/scr/html/sidebar.html");var service = HtmlService.createHtmlOutput(s.getContentText()).setTitle('MLA Helper');DocumentApp.getUi().showSidebar(service);}
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