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Releases: WillDev12/MLA-Helper


19 Feb 04:25
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Full Changelog: MLAHelper...v1.0.5


Here are the installation steps:

  1. Open the Google Dock of your choice and under the top menu select Extensions\Apps Script
  2. When the new tab opens, delete the premade text and paste the code.
  3. Go back to the dock, click refresh, and enjoy!
//WillDevv12 was here//
//For more Google Script related content, see
var ui = DocumentApp.getUi();var doc = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument(),body = doc.getBody(),cup = body.getParagraphs();function onOpen() {ui.createMenu('MLA Helper').addItem('Launch GUI', 'launchGUI').addSeparator().addItem('Make MLA Header', 'newHeader').addItem('New Quote', 'newQuote').addSeparator().addSubMenu(DocumentApp.getUi().createMenu('New Citing').addItem('Create Citings Page', 'citingsPage').addSeparator().addItem('Book', 'newCitation')).addSubMenu(DocumentApp.getUi().createMenu('Fonts').addItem("Times New Romanator", "timesNew").addItem("Italicator", "italixer")).addToUi();ui.alert("MLA Helper v1.0.5 script by WillDevv12 \n\n Catch me on GitHub:");}function newQuote(){var output = UrlFetchApp.fetch("");var form = HtmlService.createHtmlOutput(output.getContentText()).setWidth(800).setHeight(360);ui.showModalDialog(form, '‎');}function newCitation(){var output = UrlFetchApp.fetch("");var form = HtmlService.createHtmlOutput(output.getContentText()).setWidth(800).setHeight(700);ui.showModalDialog(form, 'New Citation');}function newHeader(){body.insertParagraph(0, "Name\nTeacher's Name\nClass\nDate (Day# Month Year)\n\n");body.insertParagraph(1, "TITLE").setAlignment(DocumentApp.HorizontalAlignment.CENTER);}function returnedHeading(title, name, tname, came, day, month, year) {const monthNames = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June","July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"];body.insertParagraph(0, name+"\n"+tname+"\n"+came+"\n"+day+" "+monthNames[month]+" "+ year +"\n\n");body.insertParagraph(1, title).setAlignment(DocumentApp.HorizontalAlignment.CENTER);}function timesNew(){const selection = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument().getSelection();if (selection != null) {const element = selection.getRangeElements()[0];element.getElement().asText().setFontFamily(element.getStartOffset(),element.getEndOffsetInclusive(),"Times New Roman").setFontSize(element.getStartOffset(), element.getEndOffsetInclusive(),12);} else {var e = "nullselected";FeedbackError(e);}}function italixer(){const selection = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument().getSelection();if (selection != null) {const element = selection.getRangeElements()[0];element.getElement().asText().setItalic(true);} else {var e = "nullselected";FeedbackError(e);}}function citingsPage(){var par = doc.getParagraphs();var num = 1;for (var i in par) {num++;}num = num - 1;body.insertPageBreak(num);body.insertParagraph(num + 1, "Works Cited").setAlignment(DocumentApp.HorizontalAlignment.CENTER);body.insertParagraph(num + 2, "");par = doc.getParagraphs();var position = doc.newPosition(par[par.length-1], 0);doc.setCursor(position);}function SendQuote(quote, author, pagen) {var str = '"' + quote + '" (' + author + " " + pagen + ").";var cursor = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument().getCursor();var surroundingText = cursor.getSurroundingText();surroundingText.appendText(str);}function citeBook(cont, afn, amn, aln, asfx, title, pub, city, sn, snum, edition, year) {var product = "";var product2 = "";var indent1 = "";var italix = "";if (aln === "") {} else {product = aln + ", "}if (amn === "") {} else {product = product + amn + " "}if (afn === "") {} else {product = product + afn + ", "}if (asfx === "") {} else {product = product + asfx + ", "}if (cont === "role") {} else {product = product + cont + ". "}if (title === "") {} else {italix = title + ". "}if (edition === "") {} else {product2 = edition + " ed., "}if (city === "") {} else {product2 = product2 + city +", "}if (pub === "") {} else {indent1 = pub + ", "}if (year === "") {} else {indent1 = indent1 + year + ". "}if (sn === "") {} else {indent1 = indent1 + sn + ", "}if (snum === "") {} else {indent1 = indent1 + snum + "."}var output = "<p>"+product+"<i>"+italix+"</i>"+product2+"<br>&emsp;"+indent1;var form = HtmlService.createHtmlOutput(output).setWidth(500).setHeight(150);ui.showModalDialog(form, 'Output Citation');}function FeedbackError(e) {if (e === "null") {ui.alert("ERROR: One or more required inputs are missing.")} else if (e === "nullselected") {ui.alert("ERROR: You must select text before running this script.")} else {ui.alert(e);}}function launchGUI() {var s = UrlFetchApp.fetch("");var service = HtmlService.createHtmlOutput(s.getContentText()).setTitle('MLA Helper');DocumentApp.getUi().showSidebar(service);}

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07 Feb 01:46
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Here are the installation steps:

  1. Open the Google Dock of your choice and under the top menu select Extensions\Apps Script
  2. When the new tab opens, delete the premade text and paste the code.
  3. Go back to the dock, click refresh, and enjoy!
var ui = DocumentApp.getUi();var doc = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument(),body = doc.getBody(),cup = body.getParagraphs();function onOpen() {ui.createMenu('MLA Helper').addItem('Make MLA Header', 'newHeader').addItem('New Quote', 'newQuote').addSeparator().addSubMenu(DocumentApp.getUi().createMenu('New Citing').addItem('Create Citings Page', 'citingsPage').addSeparator().addItem('Book', 'newCitation')).addSeparator().addItem("Times New Romanator", "timesNew").addItem("Italicator", "italixer").addToUi();ui.alert("MLA Helper script by WillDevv12 \n\n Catch me on GitHub:")}function newQuote(){var text = '<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><base target="_top"><link rel="stylesheet" href=""><script>function CreateQuote() {var quote = document.getElementById("quote").value;var author = document.getElementById("author").value;var pagen = document.getElementById("page").value;if (author === "") {var e = "null";;return;} else if (quote === "") {var e = "null";;return;}else if (pagen === "") {var e = "null";;return;}, author, pagen);;}</script></head><body><div class="w3-card" style="margin: 20px"><div class="w3-container w3-blue"><h2>New quote</h2></div><div class="w3-container w3-light-gray"><br>Quote: (Do not include a final period) <br> <input type="text" id="quote" style="width:260px" required/><br>Authors last name: <br> <input type="text" id="author" style="width:260px" required/><br>Page #: <br> <input type="text" id="page" style="width:260px" required/><br><input type="button" value="Create" onclick="CreateQuote()" style="width:100px; margin-top: 20px; margin-bottom: 20px"/></div></div></body></html>';var form = HtmlService.createHtmlOutput(text).setWidth(800).setHeight(360);ui.showModalDialog(form, '‎');}function newCitation(){var text = '<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><base target="_top"><link rel="stylesheet" href=""><script>function SendCitation() {var cont = document.getElementById("contribution1").value;var afn = document.getElementById("afn").value;var amn = document.getElementById("amn").value;var aln = document.getElementById("aln").value;var asfx = document.getElementById("asfx").value;var title = document.getElementById("title").value;var pub = document.getElementById("pub").value;var city = document.getElementById("city").value;var sn = document.getElementById("sn").value;var snum = document.getElementById("snum").value;var edition = document.getElementById("edition").value;var year = document.getElementById("year").value;, afn, amn, aln, asfx, title, pub, city, sn, snum, edition, year);;}</script></head><body><div class="w3-card"><div class="w3-container w3-blue"><h2>Author & Contributions</h2></div><div class="w3-container w3-light-gray" style="padding: 20px"><label for="contribution1">Choose a role:</label><select name="contribution1" id="contribution1"><option value="default">Role</option><option value="Author">Author</option><option value="Translator">Translator</option></select><br>Authors first name: <br> <input type="text" id="afn" style="width:260px" required/><br>Authors middle name: <br> <input type="text" id="amn" style="width:260px" required/><br>Authors last name: <br> <input type="text" id="aln" style="width:260px" required/><br>Suffix: <br> <input type="text" id="asfx" style="width:150px" required/><br><br></div><br><div class="w3-container w3-blue"><h2>Book Info</h2></div><div class="w3-container w3-light-gray" style="padding: 20px">Title: <br> <input type="text" id="title" style="width:260px" required/><br>Publisher: <br> <input type="text" id="pub" style="width:260px" required/><br>Year: <input type="text" id="year" style="width:150px" required/><br>Publication City: <br> <input type="text" id="city" style="width:260px" required/><br>Edition: <br> <input type="text" id="edition" style="width:260px" required/><br>Series name & number: <br> <input type="text" id="sn" style="width:100px" required/><input type="text" id="snum" style="width:100px" required/><br><input type="button" value="Create" onclick="SendCitation()" style="width:100px; margin-top: 20px"/></div></body></html>';var form = HtmlService.createHtmlOutput(text).setWidth(800).setHeight(700);ui.showModalDialog(form, 'New Citation');}function newHeader(){body.insertParagraph(0, "Name\nTeacher's Name\nClass\nDate (Day# Month Year)\n\n");body.insertParagraph(1, "TITLE").setAlignment(DocumentApp.HorizontalAlignment.CENTER);}function timesNew(){const selection = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument().getSelection();if (selection != null) {const element = selection.getRangeElements()[0];element.getElement().asText().setFontFamily(element.getStartOffset(),element.getEndOffsetInclusive(),"Times New Roman").setFontSize(element.getStartOffset(), element.getEndOffsetInclusive(),12);} else {var e = "nullselected";FeedbackError(e);}}function italixer(){const selection = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument().getSelection();if (selection != null) {const element = selection.getRangeElements()[0];element.getElement().asText().setItalic(true);} else {var e = "nullselected";FeedbackError(e);}}function citingsPage(){var par = doc.getParagraphs();var num = 1;for (var i in par) {num++;}num = num - 1;body.insertPageBreak(num);body.insertParagraph(num + 1, "Works Cited").setAlignment(DocumentApp.HorizontalAlignment.CENTER);body.insertParagraph(num + 2, "");par = doc.getParagraphs();var position = doc.newPosition(par[par.length-1], 0);doc.setCursor(position);}function SendQuote(quote, author, pagen) { var str = '"' + quote + '" (' + author + " " + pagen + ").";var cursor = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument().getCursor();var surroundingText = cursor.getSurroundingText();surroundingText.appendText(str);}function CreateCitation(cont, afn, amn, aln, asfx, title, pub, city, sn, snum, edition, year) {var product = "";var product2 = "";var indent1 = "";var italix = "";if (aln === "") {} else {product = aln + ", "}if (amn === "") {} else {product = product + amn + " "}if (afn === "") {} else {product = product + afn + ", "}if (asfx === "") {} else {product = product + asfx + ", "}if (cont === "default") {} else {product = product + cont + ". "}if (title === "") {} else {italix = title + ". "}if (edition === "") {} else {product2 = edition + " ed., "}if (city === "") {} else {product2 = product2 + city +", "}if (pub === "") {} else {indent1 = pub + ", "}if (year === "") {} else {indent1 = indent1 + year + ". "}if (sn === "") {} else {indent1 = indent1 + sn + ", "}if (snum === "") {} else {indent1 = indent1 + snum + "."}var cursor = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument().getCursor();var surroundingText = cursor.getSurroundingText();surroundingText.appendText(product);var surroundingText = cursor.getSurroundingText();surroundingText.appendText(italix);var surroundingText = cursor.getSurroundingText();surroundingText.appendText(product2);surroundingText = cursor.getSurroundingText();surroundingText.appendText("\n     " + indent1);}function FeedbackError(e) {if (e === "null") {ui.alert("ERROR: One or more of your input feilds are empty.")} else if (e === "nullselected") {ui.alert("ERROR: You must select text before running this script.")}}

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