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How To:: Add custom campaign

Subject9x edited this page Oct 6, 2023 · 4 revisions


Getting your custom campaign to work in battleMETAL is pretty straightforward, you will need the following items:

  • 1 Campaign File filled out, you find info on the File format here
  • at least 1 .bsp map file.
  • the Menu Sytem will only load the first 16 campaign files it finds, this is a limit defined in code!

Once you have both of these items, you can verify that your custom campaign is playable from the Main Menu.

How it works

When you open the Campaign menu the system scans the data/campaigns/ folder for all .dat files. It loads these into an array for displaying on the menu. When the user selects a campaign, and a difficulty, the code then overwrites the savefile in the user-selected slot. It also populates the savefile with the starting equipment that you defined in your campaign file.

that's just about it, make sure the map field points to a map that exists in id1/maps/ and you should be all set.

Campaign end

see Campaign File schema, basically use a "*" in the map-listing line for the end map.