added Stealthy feat
added Aganazzar's Scorcher, and Snilloc's Snowball Storm spells
added Backgrounds documentation button to mod UI
fixed all effects targeting positions also applying conditions to self [Artillerist, Far Step, etc.]
fixed Baleful Scion and Wither and Bloom behaviors under multiplayer sessions [NEEDS TEST]
fixed Barbarian rage not granting advantage on STR saves [VANILLA]
fixed Devious Strike: Knock Out to be applied after all current attack damages
fixed Domain Defiler dying light trigger validator
fixed Domain Tempest destructive wrath and wrath of the storm trigger validators
fixed Handaxe, Javelin, Quarterstaff, and Shield recipes to require primed items
fixed Militia background to grant Athletics, Deception and Intimidation
fixed mod boot up for KO users and rebuilt DE, ES, FR, IT, JA, and PT-Br translations
fixed multi-classed Druid/Paladin to offer divine smite slots under wildshape
fixed Roguish Duelist reflexive party to not blend into other companions
fixed Roguish Opportunist debilitating strike not subtracting D4/D6 on savings
fixed Way of Weal and Woe to not trigger "Your Woe" before level 17th
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