added final behaviors to Brawler, and Grappler feats [demoted Pugilist fighting style as redundant now]
added Gift of the Gem Dragon feat [bumped with prone in addition to push]
added key bindings for Select Character 5, Select Character 6, and Hide action [official UI keyboard section]
fixed Armor of Agathys damage determination, and consideration on reach attacks
fixed campaigns translator missing lore operations [i.e.: learn/unlearn/un-chart locations]
fixed Chromatic Dragon power not tracking any usages instead of PB per long rest
fixed Circle of Wildfire cauterizing flames not triggering on actor move step
fixed Defensive Duelist validating attacker wielded weapons instead of feat owner to present reaction
fixed Elemental Adept, and Elemental Master to reroll all damage dice of type instead of first instance only
fixed Enhanced Bond, Mind Sculpt, Power Surge, and Radiant Soul effect range type damage determination
fixed gadgets save soft lock under certain scenarios [i.e.: area activators]
fixed grappled actor interaction with flying grappler, prone, and dangerous zones [i.e.: Spike Growth]
fixed Great Weapon fighting style to reroll all damage dice instead of first instance only [VANILLA]
fixed Great Weapon Master, Power Attack, and Sharpshooter to use vanilla toggles and play nice on multiplayer
fixed Martial Warlord coordinated assault to also trigger if ally has unarmed instead of weapon only
fixed Martial Warlord press the advantage triggering on all unarmed and weapon attacks instead of melee only
fixed Patron Tree, Remorhaz, Wight Lord, and Young Remorhaz retribution consideration on reach attacks [VANILLA]
fixed Umbral Stalker shadow strike re-rolling damage dice on all attacks instead of sneak only
moved some mod settings to be offered under game official UI [check GUI, and keyboard sections]
reorg mod UI with more intuitive grouping [check general sections under backgrounds, spells, subclasses, etc.]
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