Releases - Os cães ladram e a caravana passa
added +X to hit and damage on Shield Bash feat on any wielded magical shield that adds +X to armor class
added Gameplay > Character > 'Enable Bard College of Hope healing ballad on long rest' setting
added Gameplay > Character > 'Enable Sorcerer Magical Guidance at level 5' setting
added Gameplay > Rules > 'Add all dice from base weapon damage to Follow up Strike feat' setting
added Ranger Fey Wanderer subclass, Seeking metamagic, Transmuted metamagic, and Wizard War Magic subclass
fixed Bountiful Luck feat retry attack behavior only triggering on critical failures
fixed Chaos bolt spell crashing under multiplayer sessions if twinned and bolt misses
fixed Domain Nature druid cantrip not getting assigned to repertoire on level up
fixed Resurrection spell interaction with game revive sub system [VANILLA]
fixed Roguish Hoodlum sneak attack interaction with close quarters, cunning strike, and devious strike
fixed Squat Nimbleness feat not granting +1 to movement
fixed Thunderstep spell to avoid damage to caster, teleported ally, and creatures on destination
fixed Witch Bolt spell to remove concentration on teleport scenarios when target becomes outside range
fixed Wither and Bloom spell doubling damage under multiplayer sessions
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