added Cloud of Blades spell at 2nd
changed Flash Freeze spell damage from 12d6 to 10d6
changed Minor Lifesteal spell damage dice to D6 and target from range hit to melee hit
changed Skin of Retribution spell to be closer to tabletop by offering cold damage only
fixed a crash introduced on v39 when targeting location gadgets [plants, torches, etc.]
fixed Aura of Vitality spell behavior on some collateral scenarios
fixed bonus action spells interaction with action switching not restricting main spells to cantrips
fixed Cloak of Arachnida not getting immunity from Conjure Web spell effects
fixed deprecated subs list in settings.xml getting duplicated on every mod boot
fixed Elemental Expert feat re-rolling dice on any damage type
fixed Far Step spell to consume a bonus action and use concentration
fixed Skin of Retribution not removing condition when temp HPs get to zero
removed extra spell slot feature from Arcane Scoundrel at 17th
removed necrotic resistance and immunity resistance from Domain Defiler at 8th and 14th
removed Raven perfect shot at 17th and moved killing spree at 9th to 17th
removed Zen Archer from fighting style list and made it a +1 WIS feat
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