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How to Install a Development version of the DuckieTV Standalone SOURCE

garfield69 edited this page May 2, 2024 · 3 revisions

Pre requisites:

Extracting the archives

  • Extract the archive to your favourite development directory/folder.
  • and do the same for the nwjs-v*-*.* archive.
  • now copy all the files from within the nwjs-v*-*.* folder to the DuckieTV-angular folder.

Optionally change DEV Database location

  • Find the file called package.json and edit it with you favourite Plain-Text Editor.

  • look for line 72 "name": "DuckieTV-Standalone", and change it:

    for example: "name": "DuckieTV-Standalone-Dev",

  • and save your change.

Start up DEV

  • find the program NWJS and launch it. You are now running the DEV version!!

Additional Notes

(i) If you changed the DEV Database location, you will want to Import your backup to populate the new Database

  • At the You have no Series yet! page, click the You can also Import a Backup button
  • and click on the Choose a Backup to Load button
  • Select your backup and click on the Open button
  • and wait until the import is complete.

(ii) DEV does not Auto-Notify you that a new version is available, so if you want to continue using the latest DEV version, you will need to periodically fetch it again here.


Some systems are unable to load the scripts in standalone-background.js fast enough, leading to errors in the DuckieTV startup.
Symptoms include:

  • the calendar being empty of events,
  • Opening the background log (by right clicking the mouse and selecting the inspect background page menu), shows errors such as Uncaught ReferenceError: CRUD is not defined,
  • and other assorted errors.

The circumvention is as follows:

  • open the file standalone-background.js with a plain text editor and delete the content.
  • paste and copy the contents of the following files into the standalone-background file, in the following order, separating each file paste with a semicolon

This will be resolved once is completed.


  • feel free to raise a ticket on GitHub here, or submit a post on Reddit here
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