This is the second graphics project at 42, our first RayTracer with miniLibX.
It is a team project at 42 that asks us to create a RayTracing engine with miniLibX. The Ray Tracing method, developed for the first time in 1968 (but improved upon since) is even today more expensive in computation than the Rasterization method. As a result, it is not yet fully adapted to real time use-cases but it produce a much higher degree of visual realism.
- Rigor
- Imperative programming
- Graphics
- Algorithms & AI
Follow the steps below
# Requirements: X11 miscellaneous extensions library and Utility functions from BSD
# To install the dependencies, open the terminal window and write
sudo apt-get install libxext-dev libbsd-dev
# Clone the project and access the folder
git clone && cd MiniRayTracing/
# Run make for a simple vertion
# Run make bonus for the stylish vertion
make bonus
# Run it with one of these scenes as an argument
./miniRT ./scenes/pokeball.rt
./miniRT ./scenes/whirl.rt.rt
# Clean output objects with
make fclean
# Well done!
Made by:
Sandra Munyanshoza 👋
Gabriel Scaramal 👋