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Releases: SFDO-Community/Summit-Events-App

12 Nov 21:17
Choose a tag to compare Pre-release


  • Fixed a unit test data factory issue where it was choosing a textarea that was not accessible by guest user
  • Fixed a unit test that was asserting poorly when certain times of day would drop an instance off the feed list

Installation Info

Sandbox & Scratch Orgs:

Production & Developer Edition Orgs:

10 Oct 17:34
Choose a tag to compare Pre-release


  • Fixed a unit test data factory issue where it was choosing a textarea that was not accessible by guest user [PR583]
  • Fixed a unit test that was asserting poorly when certain times of day would drop an instance off the feed list [PR583]
  • In "Event_Guest_Submit_List_Label__c.field-meta.xml" typo from "registred" to "registered".
  • createPicklistsFromStrings is the method that removes "/" using a regex expression in SummitEventsShared class. The update is about adding "/" into the expression to ignore it.
  • Updated to Salesforce API 61.1 (Summer 24)
  • Added to google tag manager data layer 'event' : 'summit_' + page type
  • Added the ability to use Google reCaptcha v3
  • Added new standard question to ask about dietary restrictions
  • Added new standard question to ask about accessibility needs for the event
  • Updated look of apex messages on top of visualforce pages
  • isEventClosed now checks master event status too
  • Fixed failing assert of SummitEventsFeed API test. Compare query was updated to match how the feed query works
  • Fixed a namespace test for additional questions. A namespaced was applied to the Existing_Picklist_Value__c field which doesn't contain a namespace, but rather deals with the namespace in code

Installation Info

Sandbox & Scratch Orgs:

Production & Developer Edition Orgs:

25 Sep 15:11
Choose a tag to compare Pre-release

Critical Changes

  • isEventClosed now takes a new argument (master event status)


  • In "Event_Guest_Submit_List_Label__c.field-meta.xml" typo from "registred" to "registered".
  • createPicklistsFromStrings is the method that removes "/" using a regex expression in SummitEventsShared class. The update is about adding "/" into the expression to ignore it.
  • Updated to Salesforce API 61.1 (Summer 24)
  • Added to google tag manager data layer 'event' : 'summit_' + page type
  • Added the ability to use Google reCaptcha v3
  • Added new standard question to ask about dietary restrictions
  • Added new standard question to ask about accessibility needs for the event
  • Updated look of apex messages on top of visualforce pages
  • isEventClosed now checks master event status too
  • Fixed failing assert of SummitEventsFeed API test. Compare query was updated to match how the feed query works
  • Fixed a namespace test for additional questions. A namespaced was applied to the Existing_Picklist_Value__c field which doesn't contain a namespace, but rather deals with the namespace in code

Issues Closed

#527: [FEATURE] Honeypot and/or recaptcha on Registration page
#556: Add an Accommodations field and a Dietary Restrictions field on the Summit Events Registration object
#576: When an Event marked as cancelled, the closed event text should appear when someone goes to registration page

Installation Info

Sandbox & Scratch Orgs:

Production & Developer Edition Orgs:

11 Sep 13:37
Choose a tag to compare Pre-release

Critical Changes

  • isEventClosed now takes a new argument (master event status) [PR577]


  • In "Event_Guest_Submit_List_Label__c.field-meta.xml" typo from "registred" to "registered". [PR571]
  • createPicklistsFromStrings is the method that removes "/" using a regex expression in SummitEventsShared class. The update is about adding "/" into the expression to ignore it. [PR573]
  • Updated to Salesforce API 61.1 (Summer 24) [PR575]
  • Added to google tag manager data layer 'event' : 'summit_' + page type [PR575]
  • Added the ability to use Google reCaptcha v3 [PR575]
  • Added new standard question to ask about dietary restrictions [PR575]
  • Added new standard question to ask about accessibility needs for the event [PR575]
  • Updated look of apex messages on top of visualforce pages [PR575]
  • isEventClosed now checks master event status too [PR577]

Issues Closed

#527: [FEATURE] Honeypot and/or recaptcha on Registration page [PR575]
#556: Add an Accommodations field and a Dietary Restrictions field on the Summit Events Registration object [PR575]
#576: When an Event marked as cancelled, the closed event text should appear when someone goes to registration page [PR577]

Installation Info

Sandbox & Scratch Orgs:

Production & Developer Edition Orgs:

15 Apr 18:36
Choose a tag to compare


  • Fixed bug where url parameter 'audienceList' passed in audiences were not filtering the calendar drop down and events correctly on the Summit Events App (SEA) calendar page
    • audienceList: A comma separated list of audience that will filter events to those that have those audience selected in the event multi-picklist
  • Expanded url parameters to full scope of the SEA REST API Feed. These available URL parameters are:
    • rectype : filters on salesforce record type id of event records
    • viewStart : The date scope of the feed start. (Year month day formatted 2024-03-22)
    • viewEnd : The date scope of the feed end. (Year month day formatted 2024-03-22)
    • eventId : Shows only the instances under the event umbrella of this id
    • type : Filters on "Event Type" field of the Event record (single item only)
    • sponsor : Filters on the "Event Sponsor" field of the Event record (can be a comma separated list)
    • displayon : Filters on the "Filter Where To Display" of the Event record (can be a comma separated list)
    • category : Filters on the "Filter Category" of the Event record ( can be a comma separated list)
    • filter : Searches all the fields listed in options as a like statement allowing for a broader search of location information. ( can be a comma separated list)
    • account : Filter events on the name of an account associated to the event on the "Account" field on the Event record.
    • locationtype : Filter events on the "Location Type" field on the Event record can be overrided on an instance of the event
    • building : Filter events on the Building field on the Event record. (can be a comma separated list)
    • longdesc : this will substitute the short description with the full event detail. It may not work on the calendar view.
  • Added new parameters outside of the REST API for the calendar only
    • audienceSelect : when set to false the dropdown of audience does not show.
    • template : Allows you to pass in a name of a visualforce page template you have built for SEA on your site. the .page suffix can be removed from the visualforce page name.
  • When a question object values is set to default and is visible that value now defaults on the question (including picklists)
  • The cancel registration page has been reworked to function correctly especially if the event instance date is in the past
  • CumulusCI tasks have been updated to make installing SEA as a dependency with all configurations and data installed much easier. The following are all that is needed in a cumulus.yml file to include SEA as a dependency in another project:
    Add SEA as a dependency (it will install the latest packaged version):
        - github: ''
    Add the repo to your sources to reference for tasks:
            github: ''
    Add the following tasks referencing the github source above can be added to the flow you are installing SEA as a dependency into (task numbers can change but should be in order)
        task: sea:deploy_permission_set
        task: sea:deploy_site_config
        task: sea:deploy_site_settings
        task: sea:deploy_guest_permission_set
        task: sea:deploy_namespaced_guest_sharing_rules
        task: sea:create_fake_school_data
        task: sea:load_sample_data
  • Fixed unit tests so that when run at any time of the day test will succeed. Mostly switched unit test data to GMT to match server time.

Issues Closed

#545: [BUG] - Cancellation Page isn't working as expected
#548: [BUG] Picklist Default Value for Custom Question
#553: [BUG] - Additional information Header Appears when it shouldn't
#554: [BUG] - URL Filtering on Calendar with Audiences

Installation Info

Sandbox & Scratch Orgs:

Production & Developer Edition Orgs:

12 Apr 16:24
Choose a tag to compare Pre-release


  • Fixed bug where url parameter 'audienceList' passed in audiences were not filtering the calendar drop down and events correctly on the Summit Events App (SEA) calendar page [PR557]

    • audienceList: A comma separated list of audience that will filter events to those that have those audience selected in the event multi-picklist [PR557]
  • Expanded url parameters to full scope of the SEA REST API Feed. These available URL parameters are: [PR557]

    • rectype : filters on salesforce record type id of event records [PR557]
    • viewStart : The date scope of the feed start. (Year month day formatted 2024-03-22) [PR557]
    • viewEnd : The date scope of the feed end. (Year month day formatted 2024-03-22) [PR557]
    • eventId : Shows only the instances under the event umbrella of this id [PR557]
    • type : Filters on "Event Type" field of the Event record (single item only) [PR557]
    • sponsor : Filters on the "Event Sponsor" field of the Event record (can be a comma separated list) [PR557]
    • displayon : Filters on the "Filter Where To Display" of the Event record (can be a comma separated list) [PR557]
    • category : Filters on the "Filter Category" of the Event record ( can be a comma separated list) [PR557]
    • filter : Searches all the fields listed in options as a like statement allowing for a broader search of location information. ( can be a comma separated list) [PR557]
    • account : Filter events on the name of an account associated to the event on the "Account" field on the Event record. [PR557]
    • locationtype : Filter events on the "Location Type" field on the Event record can be overrided on an instance of the event [PR557]
    • building : Filter events on the Building field on the Event record. (can be a comma separated list) [PR557]
    • longdesc : this will substitute the short description with the full event detail. It may not work on the calendar view. [PR557]
  • Added new parameters outside of the REST API for the calendar only [PR557]

    • audienceSelect : when set to false the dropdown of audience does not show. [PR557]
    • template : Allows you to pass in a name of a visualforce page template you have built for SEA on your site. the .page suffix can be removed from the visualforce page name. [PR557]
  • When a question object values is set to default and is visible that value now defaults on the question (including picklists) [PR559]

  • The cancel registration page has been reworked to function correctly especially if the event instance date is in the past [PR559]

  • CumulusCI tasks have been updated to make installing SEA as a dependency with all configurations and data installed much easier. The following are all that is needed in a cumulus.yml file to include SEA as a dependency in another project:

    Add SEA as a dependency (it will install the latest packaged version):

        - github: ''

    Add the repo to your sources to reference for tasks:

            github: ''

    Add the following tasks referencing the github source above can be added to the flow you are installing SEA as a dependency into (task numbers can change but should be in order)

        task: sea:deploy_permission_set
        task: sea:deploy_site_config 
        task: sea:deploy_site_settings 
        task: sea:deploy_guest_permission_set
        task: sea:deploy_namespaced_guest_sharing_rules
        task: sea:load_sample_data


  • Fixed unit tests so that when run at any time of the day test will succeed. Mostly switched unit test data to GMT to match server time. [PR561]

Issues Closed

#545: [BUG] - Cancellation Page isn't working as expected [PR559]
#548: [BUG] Picklist Default Value for Custom Question [PR559]
#553: [BUG] - Additional information Header Appears when it shouldn't [PR558]
#554: [BUG] - URL Filtering on Calendar with Audiences [PR557]

Installation Info

Sandbox & Scratch Orgs:

Production & Developer Edition Orgs:

26 Jan 22:49
Choose a tag to compare


  • Added Sample Data generated at the November 2023 Commons Sprint (
  • Added unpackaged sharing rule for fee allocation
  • Added task in cci yml to only install for admins when installing via metadeploy
  • Updated information links for metadeploy for post install info and trailblazer community (not POU anymore)
  • Added new sample data generated from the work done at the Commons Sprint in November of 2023 in Chicago
  • Close time is adjusted for the selected time zone on event instance for accurate, by the hour, closing of the event
  • Nav/Date crumb that appears at the top of the page is now unaffected by the users timezone and only reflects the time zone selected in the instance
  • When an event is set for 12-1AM it displays 12 rather than 0 in time formatting.
  • When a future, or past event, is in daylight savings time the nav/date crumb reflects the future/past state rather than the current daylight savings state (CDT/CST as an example)
  • Summit Events App (SEA) calendar view now has a link wrapper around the event descriptions needed when view goes into mobile list mode to be clickable.
  • All Visualforce metadata is set to availableInTouch = true to facilitate embedding of pages in Digital Experience sites.
  • Triggered transactional emails are now bulkified meaning all triggered emails send at once per batch. This may or may not alleviate the SINGLE_EMAIL_LIMIT_EXCEEDED error when triggering more than one status change on registrations when that status evokes an email. Scratch org testing was inconclusive.
  • The page progression now detects if there is only the Registration page and the Additional Question Page in play and progress to the confirmation page (eliminating the blank Submit page). The button at the bottom of the Additional Questions page will switch to "Register" rather than "Next" as well.
  • Preferred First Name Formatted field relabeled to Preferred Full Name Formatted.
  • Amount of guest that can be submitted is now a 3 digit Integer field to allow for up to 999 guests. There may be a theoretical limit to how many guest a registrant can actually enter at once.

Issues Closed

#521: Align Time Zone with the Date the Event is being held.
#526: Increase field size on "Number of Guests" field on Summit Events Registration to 3 digits
#531: Relabel or update the Preferred First Name Formatted field.
#536: [BUG] Nav/Date crumb not correct if guest user timezone not GMT
#537: [BUG] When event set to midnight displays as zero
#538: [BUG] Adjust time element of event close method to adjust for timezone
#540: [BUG] - Blank Submit Page w/ only Custom Questions (no Guests)
#542: [BUG] Transaction email invocations limit reached on mass update of registrations
#543: [BUG] SEA Visualforce Pages for Digital Experience
#544: [BUG] - Mobile Calendar not Clickable

Installation Info

Sandbox & Scratch Orgs:

Production & Developer Edition Orgs:

24 Jan 20:23
Choose a tag to compare Pre-release


  • Added Sample Data generated at the November 2023 Commons Sprint ( [PR528]
  • Added unpackaged sharing rule for fee allocation [PR528]
  • Added task in cci yml to only install for admins when installing via metadeploy [PR529]
  • Updated information links for metadeploy for post install info and trailblazer community (not POU anymore) [PR529]
  • Added new sample data generated from the work done at the Commons Sprint in November of 2023 in Chicago [PR535]
  • Close time is adjusted for the selected time zone on event instance for accurate, by the hour, closing of the event [PR539]
  • Nav/Date crumb that appears at the top of the page is now unaffected by the users timezone and only reflects the time zone selected in the instance [PR539]
  • When an event is set for 12-1AM it displays 12 rather than 0 in time formatting. [PR539]
  • When a future, or past event, is in daylight savings time the nav/date crumb reflects the future/past state rather than the current daylight savings state (CDT/CST as an example) [PR539]
  • Summit Events App (SEA) calendar view now has a link wrapper around the event descriptions needed when view goes into mobile list mode to be clickable. [PR546]
  • All Visualforce metadata is set to availableInTouch = true to facilitate embedding of pages in Digital Experience sites. [PR546]
  • Triggered transactional emails are now bulkified meaning all triggered emails send at once per batch. This may or may not alleviate the SINGLE_EMAIL_LIMIT_EXCEEDED error when triggering more than one status change on registrations when that status evokes an email. Scratch org testing was inconclusive. [PR546]
  • The page progression now detects if there is only the Registration page and the Additional Question Page in play and progress to the confirmation page (eliminating the blank Submit page). The button at the bottom of the Additional Questions page will switch to "Register" rather than "Next" as well. [PR546]
  • Preferred First Name Formatted field relabeled to Preferred Full Name Formatted. [PR546]
  • Amount of guest that can be submitted is now a 3 digit Integer field to allow for up to 999 guests. There may be a theoretical limit to how many guest a registrant can actually enter at once. [PR546]

Issues Closed

#521: Align Time Zone with the Date the Event is being held. [PR539]
#526: Increase field size on "Number of Guests" field on Summit Events Registration to 3 digits [PR546]
#531: Relabel or update the Preferred First Name Formatted field. [PR546]
#536: [BUG] Nav/Date crumb not correct if guest user timezone not GMT [PR539]
#537: [BUG] When event set to midnight displays as zero [PR539]
#538: [BUG] Adjust time element of event close method to adjust for timezone [PR539]
#540: [BUG] - Blank Submit Page w/ only Custom Questions (no Guests) [PR546]
#542: [BUG] Transaction email invocations limit reached on mass update of registrations [PR546]
#543: [BUG] SEA Visualforce Pages for Digital Experience [PR546]
#544: [BUG] - Mobile Calendar not Clickable [PR546]

Installation Info

Sandbox & Scratch Orgs:

Production & Developer Edition Orgs:

19 Oct 12:55
Choose a tag to compare

Critical Changes

  • Fixed an issue where the data factory for unit tests was creating instance times that threw a validation rule error at certain times of day.


  • Fixed confirmation page so that if payment is received the balance shows zero
  • Formula on Event Instance now shows start/stop time when close to 12
  • On the guest registration if the user has entered guest information but has not added that information to the guest list a modal pops up asking "You have unsaved Guest information entered. Select Cancel to finish adding your guests." language for this pop up is configurable via new labels in the event object.
  • Additional questions on the event page and on the question object now have an additional long text field for creating longer picklists. This new field can be used in addition to or to replace the old field that was a textarea with 255 characters limiting the pick list.
  • Additional label fields were added to the event fee section of the event object to allow for a configurable heading if payment was received or payment was due and an opportunity to add a rich tech description underneath the heading.
  • Various bug fixes

Issues Closed

#446: [BUG] - Text Area needs to be Text Area (long)
#495: [FEATURE] Additional Questions should be Text Area (Long)
#511: [BUG] Zip Code Triggers an API look-up, which does not always return a City value.
#512: When registering for an Event using Preferred Class Year, the registration form gives them impression it is a picklist field, but it is a text field with validation.
#513: [BUG] Add'l Questions Text Box and Text Area are reversed
#514: [FEATURE] - Guest Registration Screen restrict user from pushing Next when entered Guest Info is not Registered
#516: The Event Instance End Time Text and Event Instance Start Time Text fields are displaying incorrectly for a 12 PM appointment.
#517: [BUG] Confirmation Page - Total Row Shows Full Balance after Payment
#519: [BUG] "This field is required" missing from required Additional Questions on Template

Installation Info

Sandbox & Scratch Orgs:

Production & Developer Edition Orgs:

18 Oct 21:53
Choose a tag to compare Pre-release

Critical Changes

  • Fixed an issue where the data factory for unit tests was creating instance times that threw a validation rule error at certain times of day. [PR524]


  • Fixed confirmation page so that if payment is received the balance shows zero [PR520]
  • Formula on Event Instance now shows start/stop time when close to 12 [PR520]
  • On the guest registration if the user has entered guest information but has not added that information to the guest list a modal pops up asking "You have unsaved Guest information entered. Select Cancel to finish adding your guests." language for this pop up is configurable via new labels in the event object. [PR520]
  • Additional questions on the event page and on the question object now have an additional long text field for creating longer picklists. This new field can be used in addition to or to replace the old field that was a textarea with 255 characters limiting the pick list. [PR520]
  • Additional label fields were added to the event fee section of the event object to allow for a configurable heading if payment was received or payment was due and an opportunity to add a rich tech description underneath the heading. [PR520]
  • Various bug fixes [PR520]

Issues Closed

#446: [BUG] - Text Area needs to be Text Area (long) [PR520]
#495: [FEATURE] Additional Questions should be Text Area (Long) [PR520]
#511: [BUG] Zip Code Triggers an API look-up, which does not always return a City value. [PR520]
#512: When registering for an Event using Preferred Class Year, the registration form gives them impression it is a picklist field, but it is a text field with validation. [PR520]
#513: [BUG] Add'l Questions Text Box and Text Area are reversed [PR520]
#514: [FEATURE] - Guest Registration Screen restrict user from pushing Next when entered Guest Info is not Registered [PR520]
#516: The Event Instance End Time Text and Event Instance Start Time Text fields are displaying incorrectly for a 12 PM appointment. [PR520]
#517: [BUG] Confirmation Page - Total Row Shows Full Balance after Payment [PR520]
#519: [BUG] "This field is required" missing from required Additional Questions on Template [PR520]

Installation Info

Sandbox & Scratch Orgs:

Production & Developer Edition Orgs: