released this
15 Apr 18:36
46 commits
to master
since this release
- Fixed bug where url parameter 'audienceList' passed in audiences were not filtering the calendar drop down and events correctly on the Summit Events App (SEA) calendar page
- audienceList: A comma separated list of audience that will filter events to those that have those audience selected in the event multi-picklist
- Expanded url parameters to full scope of the SEA REST API Feed. These available URL parameters are:
- rectype : filters on salesforce record type id of event records
- viewStart : The date scope of the feed start. (Year month day formatted 2024-03-22)
- viewEnd : The date scope of the feed end. (Year month day formatted 2024-03-22)
- eventId : Shows only the instances under the event umbrella of this id
- type : Filters on "Event Type" field of the Event record (single item only)
- sponsor : Filters on the "Event Sponsor" field of the Event record (can be a comma separated list)
- displayon : Filters on the "Filter Where To Display" of the Event record (can be a comma separated list)
- category : Filters on the "Filter Category" of the Event record ( can be a comma separated list)
- filter : Searches all the fields listed in options as a like statement allowing for a broader search of location information. ( can be a comma separated list)
- account : Filter events on the name of an account associated to the event on the "Account" field on the Event record.
- locationtype : Filter events on the "Location Type" field on the Event record can be overrided on an instance of the event
- building : Filter events on the Building field on the Event record. (can be a comma separated list)
- longdesc : this will substitute the short description with the full event detail. It may not work on the calendar view.
- Added new parameters outside of the REST API for the calendar only
- audienceSelect : when set to false the dropdown of audience does not show.
- template : Allows you to pass in a name of a visualforce page template you have built for SEA on your site. the .page suffix can be removed from the visualforce page name.
- When a question object values is set to default and is visible that value now defaults on the question (including picklists)
- The cancel registration page has been reworked to function correctly especially if the event instance date is in the past
- CumulusCI tasks have been updated to make installing SEA as a dependency with all configurations and data installed much easier. The following are all that is needed in a cumulus.yml file to include SEA as a dependency in another project:
Add SEA as a dependency (it will install the latest packaged version):Add the repo to your sources to reference for tasks:dependencies: - github: ''
Add the following tasks referencing the github source above can be added to the flow you are installing SEA as a dependency into (task numbers can change but should be in order)sources: sea: github: ''
3: task: sea:deploy_permission_set 4: task: sea:deploy_site_config 5: task: sea:deploy_site_settings 6: task: sea:deploy_guest_permission_set 7: task: sea:deploy_namespaced_guest_sharing_rules 8: task: sea:create_fake_school_data 9: task: sea:load_sample_data
- Fixed unit tests so that when run at any time of the day test will succeed. Mostly switched unit test data to GMT to match server time.
Issues Closed
#545: [BUG] - Cancellation Page isn't working as expected
#548: [BUG] Picklist Default Value for Custom Question
#553: [BUG] - Additional information Header Appears when it shouldn't
#554: [BUG] - URL Filtering on Calendar with Audiences
Installation Info
Sandbox & Scratch Orgs:
Production & Developer Edition Orgs: