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created after the Philadelphia Sprint in fall/winter 2019
We believe that each Sprint and other Salesforce- related events should be planned utilizing a DEI (Diversity - Equity - Inclusion) framework to increase the participation of historically marginalized Black and other People of Color at the Open Source Community Sprints and other Salesforce-related events.
We will achieve this by identifying and dismantling structural barriers that have barred entry of people from these communities who are seeking sustainable careers, interpersonal relationships within the Salesforce ecosystem, and to influence the product development road map.
Commitment to DEI: Commitment to increasing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion of historically marginalized Black and other Peoples of Color within the Salesforce Ecosystem.
Accountability: Taking responsibility for the impact our actions or inactions have on others and taking corrective actions to mitigate whatever negative impact we have caused to others.
Forgiveness: Providing the space to grow and learn from our mistakes.
Career-actualization: Empowering historically marginalized Black and other Peoples of Color with technical and soft skills that enable them to fulfill their personal and professional potential.
Positive Relationship Building: The building of positive and respectful relationships in professional and personal interactions.
Perseverance: Welcoming challenges and being prepared to work hard, adapt, grow and change, both personally and professionally. Committing to be open to feedback and supporting each other to persevere.
Social Justice: Identifying, analyzing, addressing, and mitigating how systematic power and privilege negatively impact the experiences of Black and other Peoples of Color within the Salesforce Ecosystem.
Impactful DEI change requires SF to commit itself to leverage its decision making power and privilege to direct resources to solutions outlined by impacted communities and be willing to be held accountable to its DEI commitments.
- Measure: Equity Allies within Salesforce leverage their proximity and influence to actualize 80% of the solutions outlined by impacted communities
- Obstacle: Overcoming historical lack of SF Institutional Resources and Support to community-driven DEI initiatives
- Measure: Assistance from the SF Equity Team in the planning of the Sprint events and other Salesforce-related events
- Obstacle: Salesforce Employee capacity
- Measure: Creation of a committee comprised of community members and Salesforce employees to monitor and evaluate DEI progress and proactively address issue areas
- Obstacle: Lack of DEI Events Framework
- Obstacle: Identifying committee members with the time and capacity to be apart of DEI committee
- Measure: Holding registration spots for local participants
- Obstacle: Sprint and other SF activities selling out before local participants can register
- Measure: Recognize and uplift community identified Equity Allies
- Obstacle: Lack of will to recognize and uplift Equity Allies
One of the biggest barriers preventing historically marginalized Black and other People of Color from participating in the Sprint events is the financial cost to participate
- Measure: Launch a scholarship program to cover transportation, lodging, and meals costs for 10 qualifying participants per Sprint event
- Measure: Survey all participants to determine if they need laptops and/or additional accommodations and ensure their needs are met
- Measure: Ensure all Sprint venues are accessible by public transportation
- Measure: At least one Sprint per year is partially scheduled on the weekend to allow participants who cannot get time off during the week to attend
- Measure: Identify and share out 10 -20 low-cost lodging and room share options per Sprint event; provide hotel comps
- Measure: Ensure participants are aware of the_ draft justification_ (https://powerofus.force.com/s/question/0D580000047gX0h/justifying-sprint-to-your-teambosssupervisor) for attending a sprint that they can use and adapt to justify to their employers to cover the cost of their Sprint participation
- Obstacles: Securing Salesforce Institutional Investment
Representation matters. What we see around us shapes how we see the world and can impact what we believe is possible for ourselves. In order for sprints to diversify we must intentionally reach out to marginalized groups and make it known that their presence and input are welcomed and valued.
- Measure: Develop an inclusive marketing strategy for sprints
- Measure: Develop and share a Community Statement, which summarizes the DEI commitments and goals
- Measure: Reach out to 5 to 10 POC user groups, local user groups and ally organizations (ex. Pepup Tech) to market the event to their communities well in advance of events
- Measure: Rewrite FAQ “who should attend” section to be more inclusive of users with less experience
- Measure: Outreach to the local user group and other local tech and nonprofit organizations
- Measure: Recruitment of 7 to 10 new POC sprint attendees
- Obstacles: Will require institutional resources from SF communications teams
- Obstacles: Lack of marketing spaces that cater to Black and other Peoples of Color in the Salesforce ecosystem
In order to have a positive experience at a Sprint and other Salesforce events, new POC recruits need to see themselves represented at Salesforce and steps must be taken to assure that the Sprint and other Salesforce-events are inclusive and safe for people of color.
- Measures: DEI Sprint values statement from SF
- Measures: Create and manage a “newbie training” to onboard new Sprint participants to Sprint expectations and to create community between newbies and mentors
- Measures: POC Salesforce Representation: Have a session lead by a high-level POC Salesforce employee
- Measures: Contracting with local minority-owned or majority-minority vendors.
- Measure: Develop a DEI infused volunteer training program, so volunteers are trained to address some of the self-limiting issues and microaggressions/macroaggressions POC have historically faced in tech-spaces
- Measure: Recruit (15-20) volunteers per event, with (20%+) who are bi/multilingual, and underrepresented minorities
- Measure: Ensure 90-100% of volunteers respond to the follow-up survey, so we can better understand how to better serve POC interested in joining the Sprint and ecosystem
- Obstacle: Capacity to redevelop the CCI training program to meet the needs of less experienced users
- Obstacle: Capacity to develop a training program
- Obstacle: The ability to recruit and retain (15-20) volunteers per event, with (20%+) who are bi/multilingual, and underrepresented minorities
- Obstacle: Lack of personnel, time, expertise and funding to develop a DEI infused volunteer training program
We are bringing the opportunity of unlimited personal potential POC bring to technology fields by introducing them to workforce development, like Trailhead, as well as training programs designed to support POC as they transition into the ecosystem. Facilitate personal contact with experts who are willing to mentor POC with the goal to land them paid full/part-time employment.
- Measure: Identify existing programs in the Salesforce ecosystem that seek to address our DEI concerns by increasing the percentage of POC attending the Sprints and other Salesforce events
- Measure: Identify at least 10 pathways/programs for POC to enter the ecosystem
- Measure: Make available information regarding how interested POC can connect with and enroll in Trailhead, Pi-TaP, PepUpTECH, Mervis, Mom Relaunch, and other programs in the ecosystem. Special emphasis on programs designed by and for POC’s access into the ecosystem
- Measure: At least 50% of POC participants completing a survey to identify barriers to participation and identifying next steps to receiving training and/or employment
- Measure: At least 50% of POC participants at the event answer affirmative to the question, “Do you know how to connect with their local user groups?”
- Measure: At least 50% of POC participants answer that they know 3-5 different jobs available in the ecosystem
- Obstacle: Ability to fully support POC interested in participating due to our limited resources
- Obstacle: Lack of personnel, time, equipment and funding
- Obstacle: POC who are potential participants facing personal and structural challenges, like Imposter Syndrome that could prevent them from attending
- Obstacle: Changing our mindset from “Tech is only for a certain kind of person,” to “Tech is for everyone!”
We seek to establish partnerships with SIs and organizations that can support the Sprints financially and by providing volunteers, to help make these more community-supported events
- Measure: Establish partnerships with at least 3 organizations per event/region to provide key support services for program participants
- Measure: Obtain 3-5 volunteers from each partner organization
- Measure: Salesforce requests SIs partners to make financial or in kind contributions to identified local organizations
- Measure: SF makes a match gift to the identified local organizations
- Obstacle: Engaging partners who are passionate about our vision and the population we serve
- Obstacle: Partners have other priorities and could potentially not have the time necessary to dedicate to these events
Method: Expand the Reach of External Organizations seeking to Diversify the Salesforce and Technology Ecosystem (Long Term)
To leverage Salesforce resources and influence to help organizations seeking to diversify the Salesforce and technology ecosystem (ex. Pi-TaP, PepUpTECH) raise funds to expand their operations locally, regionally, nationally and internationally so they can bring opportunity and hope to Black and other Peoples of Color who are underrepresented in the rapidly developing technological economy.
- Measure: Identify 3 to 5 POC-led organizations that seek to diversify the technology ecosystem to recommend to Salesforce Foundations for proposal invite
- Measure: Use 3 to 5 Salesforce related events to fundraise for identified organizations
- Measure: Salesforce proactively identifies DEI tech organizations and facilitates a convening space for these organizations to connect and coordinate efforts, as well as connecting them with Salesforce Partners and potential donors
- Obstacle: The commitment of Salesforce to engage external fundraising
- Obstacle: Changing our mindset from a regional to a global organization
To monitor and evaluate the success of our methods we will need to gather participant feedback and other data. This section is a summary of data gathering measures mentioned throughout the V2MOM.
- Measure: At least 50% of POC participants completing a survey to identify barriers to participation and identifying next steps to receiving training and/or employment
- Measure: At least 50% of POC participants at the event answer affirmative to question, “Do you know how to connect with their local user groups?”
- Measure: At least 50% of POC participants answer that they know 3-5 different jobs available in the ecosystem
Diversity: Psychological, physical, and social differences that occur among any and all individuals; including but not limited to race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, socioeconomic status, education, marital status, language, age, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, mental or physical ability, and learning styles. (Equity Center)
Equity: The guarantee of fair treatment, access, opportunity, and advancement while at the same time striving to identify and eliminate barriers that have prevented the full participation of some groups by applying differential resources to unequal needs. The principle of equity acknowledges that there are historically underserved and underrepresented populations and that fairness regarding these unbalanced conditions is needed to assist equality in the provision of effective opportunities to all groups. (Equity Center)
Inclusion: The act of creating environments in which any individual or group can be and feel welcomed, respected, supported, and valued to fully participate and bring their full, authentic selves to work. An inclusive and welcoming climate embraces differences and offers respect in the words/actions/ thoughts of all people. (Equity Center)
Equity Ally: An individual who may not identify as a member of a particular group —but seeks to understand the issues that impact these communities and leverage their societal privilege(s) to create positive change.
Accountability: Taking responsibility for the impact our actions or inactions have on others and taking corrective actions to mitigate whatever negative impact we have caused to others.
Forgiveness: The act of releasing justified indignation to allow everyone to grow and learn from their mistakes.
Social Justice: Social justice constitutes a form of activism, based on principles of equity and inclusion that encompasses a vision of society in which the distribution of resources is equitable, and all members are physically and psychologically safe and secure. Social justice involves social actors who have a sense of their own agency as well as a sense of social responsibility toward and with others and society as a whole.