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Data stores

Abhijeet Bodhankar edited this page Mar 11, 2020 · 4 revisions

The app uses the following data stores:

All these resources are created in your Azure subscription. None are hosted directly by Microsoft.

  • Azure Table Storage Account

    • [Table] to store user rooms from exchange, favorite rooms added by user, user configuration and card activity so that same card can be updated once user books a room.

    • [Blob] to store bot state to check whether welcome card is sent to the user. Blob storage has container name as "bot-state".

Storage account

RoomCollection Table

Accessed by bot app to retrieve rooms and Azure function for CRUD operation.

Property Name Value
PartitionKey PartitionKey is building's alias which uniquely identifies building.
RowKey RowKey is room's alias which uniquely identifies room.
TimeStamp Date time of row creation.
BuildingName Building name from exchange.
RoomName Room name from exchange.
IsDeleted Boolean indicating whether room has been deleted from Microsoft Exchange.

FavoriteRooms Table

Stores user's favorite rooms and building details.

Property Name Value
PartitionKey User object identifier provided by Azure Active Directory.
RowKey Row key is the rooms alias which uniquely identifies room.
TimeStamp It contains the date time of row creation.
BuildingEmail Building alias from exchange.
BuildingName Building name from exchange.
RoomName Room name from exchange.

ActivityEntities Table

Stores bot conversation activity id on user action

Property Name Value
PartitionKey User object identifier provided by Azure Active Directory.
RowKey Random activity reference ID generated before sending card to user.
TimeStamp Date time of row creation.
ActivityId Activity ID is used for updating card.

UserConfiguration Table

Stores user selected time zone

Property Name Value
PartitionKey Constant value 'msteams'.
RowKey User object identifier provided by Azure Active Directory.
TimeStamp Date time of row creation.
IanaTimezone User local time zone in IANA format.
WindowsTimezone User local time zone in Windows format.