Tested compatibility: Blender 2.90 -> 4.3
- import-export:
- PAA texture import for textures compressed with DXT1 or DXT5 (S3TC BC1 and BC3) algorithms
- new config data parser and unified handler module
- scripts:
- utility script to create empty "dummy" P3D file
- import-export:
- improved LZO1X decompression speeds
- model.cfg import is now available without Arma 3 Tools as well (if native parsing is successful)
- tools:
- Vertex Mass Editing:
- tools are now available in both Edit and Object modes
- in Edit mode the functions operate on the selected parts only
- in Object mode the functions operate on the entire mesh
- Distribute Mass now supports volume weighted distribution (on closed components)
- Mass From Density now supports volume weighted distribution (on closed components)
- UI layout was reorganized
- tools are now available in both Edit and Object modes
- Bulk Renaming now shows warning signs at paths that point to files that do not exist
- Hit Point Cloud:
- exposed modifier settings were removed
- internal process was simplified
- Vertex Mass Editing:
- the Rigging tools only allowed 3 bones to be assigned to a vertex instead of the proper limit of 4 (Select Overdetermined, Prune Overdetermined, General Cleanup)
- Bulk Renaming tool exposed the internal paths making it possible to break the feature until the next list refresh
- Center of Mass operator was not accounting for world transformations