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Arma 3 Object Builder

About the project

Arma 3 Object Builder borrows its name from the infamous Object Builder application that's used for importing models to the P3D model format of Arma 3. While Object Builder bares some modelling functionality, it's by no means adequate by today's standards. Because of this, the need arose for an alternative, that resulted in the creation of the ArmAToolbox add-on for Blender by Alwarren, which makes it possible to import and export animations and models to the Arma 3 file formats directly.

The ArmaToolbox has been in use by modders for many years, but since its release the code base of the add-on became cluttered with unused or broken parts (usually due to changes in the Blender API). This project aims to provide a new add-on, implementing a workflow that is similar to that of the ArmaToolbox, with improved and extended features and an interface that's more in-line with the design of Blender.


The project is originally a fork of Alwarren's repository, but in reality, instead of consisting of smaller changes to be merged into the main repository, it turned into a completely different add-on that reimplements a similar workflow with improved functionality and extended features.

Excerpt from the ArmAToolbox readme:

Arma Toolbox for Blender
This is a collection of Python scripts for the Blender 3D package
that allows the user to create, import and export unbinarized
Arma Engine .p3d files.

Requirements and Compatibility

The add-on is developed on Blender v2.90.0 for convenience reasons, which also has the side effect that it supports older versions, not just the latest releases. The add-on is tested on newer releases regardless. If a new release of Blender in the future renders it impossible to keep the add-on compatible with both old, and new releases, support will be dropped for legacy versions in favor of the new API.

The range of Blender releases tested for compatibility is indicated in the changelog entry of each packed release of the add-on.


As inherited from the ArmAToolbox, the Arma 3 Object Builder add-on is released under the GNU General Public License version 3.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see the GNU licenses.

Files created using this software are not covered by this license.