Hi, I’m @MaxM1211
I’m interested in very much every programming language. I've written code in:
- Python
- C, C++, C#
- Java
- PHP, HTML, JS, CSS (HTML is not a programing language I know)
- Visal Basic, VBA
- Visual Age: Smalltalk (But don't ever ask me to do this again 💩)
- ...
Some projects are:
- Website & DB for GTA Roleplay (Storage Management)
- Own discord server with its own bot. Features are added to the bot whenever something is requested.
- Star Citizen Fleet
- Welcome Message
- Dynamic Presence
- Twitch Alerts
- Music from Radio Streams
- Future: Android application, which will help you in some way... 🥞
I'm contributing to:
- Star Citizen German Translation: I'm mainly responsible for the GitHub management and GitHub actions.