Official PyTorch implementation of GRIG, publised on [Computational Visual Media Journal] (IF 17.3, in press).
[Homepage] [paper] [demo_youtube] [demo_bilibili]
Visual results of our GRIG models trained on various few-shot settings. “All” means the whole training sets.
cd GRIG project
pip install -r grig_requirements.txt
- Note that other versions of PyTorch (e.g., higher than 1.7) also work well, but you have to install the corresponding CUDA version.
- Training and testing codes
- Pre-trained models
- Models on few-shot datasets (we encourage users can train the model by themselves because it will not take too long.)
- Models on large-scale datasets (download large-scale-pre-trained models)
- We are the first deep-learning-based few-shot image inpainting method.
- Our codes can train using a batch size of 8 on a GPU with less than 12GB memory.
- Our model converges very fast, especially on few-shot datasets.
- Prepare your small-scale datasets (download 10-few-shot_datasets)
- Even though we claimed in our paper that we trained each dataset with 400,000 iterations. Our model actually converges very fast.
- For most datasets you will find maybe 20,000 or 50,000 iterations are good enough to train a model.
- We still encourage users can try various iterations to see what can be found in our GRIG.
- Prepare your large-scale datasets (download FFHQ, CelebA-HQ, Paris Street View, and Places365)
- We recommend training 1000,000 iterations on FFHQ, CelebA-HQ, and Paris Street View datasets, while 2000,000 on the Places365 dataset.
- The folder structure of training and testing data is shown below:
Prepare pre-trained checkpoints: efficient_net (put models in ./pre_train)
python --path /root/train --test_path /root/test --im_size 256 --eval_interval 200 --iter 400000 --efficient_net ./pre_train/tf_efficientnet_lite0-0aa007d2.pth
- path: training path
- test_path: testing data path
- im_size: image size for training and testing
- eval_interval: the frequency for testing
- iter: total training iterations
- efficient_net: ckpt path of the efficient_net
- During training, you can find trained ckpts (checkpoints) and intermediate trained images in the
folder. - The evaluation results can be found in
folder (of course you can change it using --eval_dir). - For more functional options, please view the codes.
- Irregular masks (optional, if you would like to test on irregular masks, download Testing Set masks)
python --test_path /root/test --ckpt_path ./checkpoint/... --mask_root ./dataset/mask/testing_mask_dataset --mask_file_root ./dataset/mask --mask_type test_6.txt
- ckpt_path the pretrained model ckpt path
- mask_root Irregular masks root
- mask_file_root file name list file folder
- mask_type could be ["Center", "test_2.txt", "test_3.txt", "test_4.txt", "test_5.txt", "test_6.txt", "all"]
- If you don't have irregular masks, just using center masks is also fine.
python --test_path /root/test --ckpt_path ./checkpoint/... --mask_type Center
- After finishing the testing, you can find output images in the
folders - For more functional options, please view the codes.
- If you find our code useful, please cite our paper:
@misc{lu2023grig, title={GRIG: Few-Shot Generative Residual Image Inpainting}, author={Wanglong Lu and Xianta Jiang and Xiaogang Jin and Yong-Liang Yang and Minglun Gong and Tao Wang and Kaijie Shi and Hanli Zhao}, year={2023}, eprint={2304.12035}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.CV} }
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Ground-truth | Masked image | Inpainted |