TensorFlow.NET provides .NET Standard binding for TensorFlow.
TensorFlow.NET is a member project of SciSharp STACK.
Install TensorFlow.NET through NuGet.
PM> Install-Package TensorFlow.NET
If you are using Linux or Mac OS, please download the pre-compiled dll here and place it in the working folder. This is only need for Linux and Mac OS, and already packed into NuGet for Windows.
Import tensorflow.net.
using Tensorflow;
Add two constants.
// Create a Constant op
var a = tf.constant(4.0f);
var b = tf.constant(5.0f);
var c = tf.add(a, b);
using (var sess = tf.Session())
var o = sess.run(c);
Feed placeholder.
// Create a placeholder op
var a = tf.placeholder(tf.float32);
var b = tf.placeholder(tf.float32);
var c = tf.add(a, b);
using(var sess = tf.Session())
var feed_dict = new Dictionary<Tensor, object>();
feed_dict.Add(a, 3.0f);
feed_dict.Add(b, 2.0f);
var o = sess.run(c, feed_dict);
Read the docs & book The Definitive Guide to Tensorflow.NET.
More examples:
- Hello World
- Basic Operations
- Image Recognition
- Linear Regression
- Text Classification
- Naive Bayes Classification
- Named Entity Recognition
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