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Add Packages to the desc python environment

Heather Kelly edited this page Sep 25, 2024 · 7 revisions

If you are new to DESC and DESC python environments, please consult our related documentation for NERSC or IN2P3.

You may have additional packages or an updated version of a package that you want to install alongside desc-python.

  • If this is a package of general interest, please consult within your Working Groups and then request the package be added to desc-python by opening an issue in desc-help.

First Way To install additional package(s) for use with desc-python

cd $SCRATCH   # I just chose SCRATCH.. you could use another area
mkdir <yourInstallArea>
export DESCPYTHONUSERBASE=$PWD/<yourInstallArea>   # This env var is recognized by the desc-python setup, so --user installs will use this dir
# For desc-python-bleed, use DESCPYTHONBLEEDUSERBASE.  For desc-stack-weekly or desc-stack-weekly-latest, use DESCSTACKUSERBASE
python /global/common/software/lsst/common/miniconda/ desc-python
pip install --user --no-build-isolation <NewPackage>

If you are installing a package from source code rather than from PyPI, first obtain a copy of the source code, enter the package directory and pip install by doing:

python3 -m pip install --user --no-build-isolation .

To enable your installed packages the next time you set up desc-python in Jupyter or on the command line, you will need to set the following in your $HOME/.bashrc:

export DESCPYTHONUSERBASE=<fullPathtoYourInstallArea>

Another Way To install the package(s) in your own conda environment:

  • Create a full clone of the desc environment in your own area (this will take a few minutes)

    •  python /global/common/software/lsst/common/miniconda/ desc-python
       conda create --clone base -p <PathToYourDir>/mydesc
    • Activate your new environment and add your desired packages
         conda activate <PathToYourDir>/mydesc
         mamba install <Your Package> OR pip install <Your Package> OR mamba install <Your Package>
  • To enable your cloned environment automatically when using the desc-python env, including when using Jupyter at NERSC, you need to set up an environment variable in your NERSC $HOME/.bashrc or $HOME/.cshrc.
    If using bash, you would add this to your $HOME/.bashrc (create this file if it does not already exist):

export DESCUSERENV=<FullPathToYourCondaEnv>


export DESCUSERENV=/global/common/software/lsst/users/heatherk/mydesc

With the DESCUSERENV environment variable set, the next time you start the desc-python jupyter kernel, you will be using your own environment, rather than the official desc-python.

NOTE: If you have previously set DESCPYTHONPATH, it is strongly recommended that you remove the DESCPYTHONPATH environment variable from your $HOME/.bashrc (or $HOME/.bashrc.ext).

Here is a full concrete example at NERSC

python /global/common/software/lsst/common/miniconda/ desc-python
conda create --clone base -p /global/common/software/lsst/users/heatherk/mydesc
conda activate /global/common/software/lsst/users/heatherk/mydesc
mamba install -c conda-forge astrocats

Now your package(s) are installed in your personal desc conda environment:

  • Set up the DESCUSERENV environment variable, then you can enable your desc conda env by doing:
python /global/common/software/lsst/common/miniconda/ desc-python
  • If you later decide to ignore or discard your desc conda environment, just unset DESCUSERENV and the next time you enable desc-python you will be using the default desc conda environment.

Example Installing Firecrown

Assuming you have already set up your own desc conda environment, and set your DESCUSERENV env variable, you can add any additional packages by doing:

python /global/common/software/lsst/common/miniconda/ desc-python
mamba install -c conda-forge firecrown

Now I have firecrown installed in my own mydesc conda environment. To give it a try, I need the examples available in the firecrown git repo, so I clone it into my own area:

cd /global/common/software/lsst/users/heatherk
git clone

Then I try a simple example:

cd firecrown/examples/des_y1_3x2pt
firecrown compute des_y1_3x2pt.yaml
Watch out! Here comes a firecrown!
analysis id: 190918deca4946d8879ac0b3c3d19232
loglike: -236.47695322891724

A similar example starting from the default desc-python environment at CC:

/pbs/home/h/hkelly(0)>source /pbs/throng/lsst/software/desc/common/miniconda/
(desc) /pbs/home/h/hkelly(0)>conda create --clone desc --prefix=$PWD/mydesc
(desc) /pbs/home/h/hkelly(0)>conda activate /pbs/home/h/hkelly/mydesc
(/pbs/home/h/hkelly/mydesc) /pbs/home/h/hkelly(0)>pip install git+

Now I have firecrown installed in my own mydesc conda environment. To give it a try, I need the examples available in the firecrown git repo, so I clone it into my own area:

git clone

Then I try a simple example, first starting up an interactive session on a compute node:

qlogin -l sps=1,s_fsize=1G,s_cpu=1:00:00,s_rss=1G
source /pbs/throng/lsst/software/desc/common/miniconda/
conda activate /pbs/home/h/hkelly/mydesc
cd firecrown/examples/des_y1_3x2pt
firecrown compute des_y1_3x2pt.yaml
Watch out! Here comes a firecrown!
analysis id: 190918deca4946d8879ac0b3c3d19232
loglike: -236.47695322891724

TBD Developer mode (not thoroughly checked)

If a package is included in a cloned env, the logical steps would be

conda uninstall <package> --force
git clone <package>
cd <package> && pip install --no-deps -e .