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Collection of DESC python environments and jupyter kernels

Setup for use on the Command line

NERSC: source/global/common/software/lsst/common/miniconda/

CC: source /pbs/throng/lsst/software/desc/common/miniconda/

Initial User setup for Jupyter (Only need to do this once)

See: (Confluence log-in required)

Current Jupyter Kernels

  • desc-python: Current producution release including all DESC requested packages
  • desc-python-dev: Upcoming production release of desc-python
  • desc-python-bleed: Picks up latest releases of all python packages. Updated weekly
  • desc-python-old: Previous production release of desc-python

List of Packages Included in the desc-python Environment

conda packages

pip installed packages

How to Add Packages to desc-python?

  1. Clone this repo and checkout the "bleed" branch
  2. Add new package names to the desc-python/conda/conda-pack.txt (for conda-forge) or desc-pythonv/conda/pip-pack.txt (for PyPI)
    • If this package is not installable from conda-forge or pip, please open an issue on this repository.
  3. Commit and push your changes to the bleed branch
  4. Once changes are pushed to the bleed branch an automated builds will be triggered:
    • Docker builds are handled by GitHub actions and will be triggered immediately. The builds can be followed by viewing the Actions page.
      • A successful build will produce a new image available on Dockerhub: lsstdesc/desc-python:bleed
  5. If there are data files or set up commands needed for the new package, then please open an issue on this repository.