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Kenneth Endfinger edited this page Jun 30, 2016 · 3 revisions

getIcon is an optional dslink api, which is a invoke node located in /sys/getIcon

      "$invokable": "read",
      "$columns": [
        {"name":"Data", "type":"binary"}
      "$params": [
        {"name": "Icon", "type": "string"},

when any node returns by the list api contains a @icon attribute, broker will check if already have the cache of that icon, if not, broker will load the icon from getIcon action

the icon name should always start with a semi-unique name, and make sure same type of dslinks share same icon folder in the broker.

the icon path on the broker server will be ${serverHost}/icon/${iconPath}

 ◌ Design
 ◌ Initializing Connection
 ◌ Node API
  ◌ Methods
  ◌ Broker
   ◌ Broker Discovery
  ◌ Configs
  ◌ Value Types
 ◌ Tokens
 ◌ Quality of Service
DSLink Manager
 ◌ dslink.json
 ◌ Startup Command
SDK Development
 ◌ Implementation Guide
DSA Server
 ◌ Installation
 ◌ Update Server
 ◌ Server Configuration
 ◌ CLI Tools
 ◌ DSA Permission Basics
 ◌ DSA Permission Model
  ◌ Permission List for the Root
 ◌ Authentication
  ◌ OpenID Connect
  ◌ Password Hasher
 ◌ DGLux Server SSL (HTTPS)
 ◌ Docker
 ◌ Audit
 ◌ Data Node
 ◌ Install NGINX with DSA Server
 ◌ Configure Ubuntu Linux to auto start DSA server
 ◌ Troubleshooting

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