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Audit Feature

Rick Zhou edited this page Mar 7, 2019 · 2 revisions

Audit feature monitors configured actions on the selected nodes and logs them to a file.

There is a dedicated audit node located under /sys. It has two child action nodes and enabled boolean property.

Config Action

This action configures the audit feature. Invoking this action automatically set enabled property to true.

Input example:

  "paths": [
  "auditConnect": false,
  "auditDisconnect": false,
  "auditAttributes": [],
  "ignoreActions": [
  "ignorePoints": []
  • path - a list of paths to be audited.
  • auditConnect - when true audit every DSA (dslink/browser) user connection.
  • auditDisconnect - audit every DSA disconnection if true.
  • auditAttributes - this is a list of attribute names to be logged. By default, set or remove attributes are not audited.
  • ignoreActions - a list of action names to be ignored. By default, all actions in the path list are audited, except getHistory.
  • ignorePoints - a list of point names to ignore. By default, setting a value of any point in the path list gets logged.

Query Action

Use this action to query audit history.

  • Source - filter requester's dsId or username. Leave blank to query all sources.
  • Action - invoke / set / connect / disconnect / all
  • Path - filter a sub path. Leave blank to query all the paths.
  • Date - a date range to query.

 ◌ Design
 ◌ Initializing Connection
 ◌ Node API
  ◌ Methods
  ◌ Broker
   ◌ Broker Discovery
  ◌ Configs
  ◌ Value Types
 ◌ Tokens
 ◌ Quality of Service
DSLink Manager
 ◌ dslink.json
 ◌ Startup Command
SDK Development
 ◌ Implementation Guide
DSA Server
 ◌ Installation
 ◌ Update Server
 ◌ Server Configuration
 ◌ CLI Tools
 ◌ DSA Permission Basics
 ◌ DSA Permission Model
  ◌ Permission List for the Root
 ◌ Authentication
  ◌ OpenID Connect
  ◌ Password Hasher
 ◌ DGLux Server SSL (HTTPS)
 ◌ Docker
 ◌ Audit
 ◌ Data Node
 ◌ Install NGINX with DSA Server
 ◌ Configure Ubuntu Linux to auto start DSA server
 ◌ Troubleshooting

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