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Connection Test Case

Rick Zhou edited this page Jan 23, 2015 · 12 revisions

Connection Test Case

Client Private Key

modulus of public key and private key (Base64)


privateExponent of private key (Base64)


publicExponent of public key (const value)

65537 (0x10001)

Initialize connection , Client -> Server

dsId: client's dsId , last 43 chars are the base64 of public key modulus


client publicKey modulus(base64)


Initialize connection , Server -> Client

encryptedNonce (Base64)

  • server generates the encrypted nonce with following steps
    1. server generate 128 bits (16 bytes) random nonce data
    • nonce = Hex6293688ad7c203b8702f7e06fc472402
    1. server generate a big number A < modulus, with the last 16 bytes same as the nonce
    • in this test case all the other bytes are just 0
    • A = Hex6293688ad7c203b8702f7e06fc472402
    1. server encrypt A with client's public key
    • E = A.modPow(65537, modulus)
    1. encryptedNonce = base64(E)

salt, a random string


Start Connection (http or ws), Client -> Server

dsId: client's dsId

dsAuth: client's proof of public key owner

  • client calculates the dsAuth with following steps
    • Base64 decode encryptedNonce into big integer E
    • calculate A = E.modPow(privateExponent, modulue)
    • nonce data = last 16 bytes of A (if A is less than 16 bytes, add 0 in the front)
    • encode the salt into utf8, UTF8("0x100") = Hex3078313030
    • concat salt and nonce bytes: H = salt+nonce = Hex30783130306293688ad7c203b8702f7e06fc472402
    • auth = base64(sha256(H))

Start connection, Server validate Client

server has A, salt and nonce already, use same algorithm to check if dsAuth value is same

 ◌ Design
 ◌ Initializing Connection
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   ◌ Broker Discovery
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  ◌ Value Types
 ◌ Tokens
 ◌ Quality of Service
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 ◌ dslink.json
 ◌ Startup Command
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DSA Server
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 ◌ Server Configuration
 ◌ CLI Tools
 ◌ DSA Permission Basics
 ◌ DSA Permission Model
  ◌ Permission List for the Root
 ◌ Authentication
  ◌ OpenID Connect
  ◌ Password Hasher
 ◌ DGLux Server SSL (HTTPS)
 ◌ Docker
 ◌ Audit
 ◌ Data Node
 ◌ Install NGINX with DSA Server
 ◌ Configure Ubuntu Linux to auto start DSA server
 ◌ Troubleshooting

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