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Fixing boxcoll (green boxes) after zmodeler export (Hashes)

Szymon edited this page Jul 2, 2022 · 1 revision


Mafia II vehicle itemdesc has two hashes. First hash is used to link frameresource file, second hash is used to link prefab file. Zmodeler 3 does not correctly save the second hash when exporting models that have a BoxColl type (green boxes). This, in turn, causes this type of collision to stop working in the game. In order to make collision work in the game after export you must manually edit the UInt64 values to these from vanilla car file in a hex editing program (in my example I use HXD).

First hash (frameresource) starts at 00

Second hash (prefab) starts at 0A or 10

Prefab itemdesc hashes can be found in Unk4 in CollisionVolumesCollection (DeformParts), you can easily swap collisions between cars thanks to that.

*Itemdesc filename can be found in frameresource under hash in ItemDescFileName section

To make it easier to edit these values I have added vanilla Uint64 values of BoxColl itemdesc files below:


Name Prefab Hash
Box_coll06_Collision 17610561133039336815
Box_coll07_Collision 1847790794406838400
Box_coll08_Collision 1459014791424620140
Box_coll09_Collision 15424262848899757835
Box_coll10_Collision 16757454051114746494

Mafia: II

Mafia: Definitive Edition

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