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Open Demo Alpha (Pre v1.0) Changelog

Adam (Futur3Sn0w) edited this page Feb 24, 2023 · 1 revision

Changes are in chronological order from top to bottom (top is oldest, bottom is newest). These are changes that were made before the Open Demo was available, so these changes might not be as detailed.

9bc4418 - Battery fixes

The battery percentage on many devices will report at 99% due to rounding errors. These hotfixes implement a fix to display a fully charged tile when the device is at 97% or higher. This can be disabled within the code if desired, and may be a user-facing option in the future.

58514cf - Lots of little things

Moved javascript to separate file, made new globals CSS, and added 'debug widgets' for testing purposes (disabled by default). There's technically a ton more but this is the big stuff

8307220 - Clock card implemented

Also includes updates to colors (dark/light mode)

584d2e7 - Many miscs

  • Split cards into separate CSS files in prep for public launch
  • New calendar card
  • Controls now appear/disappear more smoothly
  • timeDate will now animate more smoothly
  • New edit mode for adding/removing cards (currently just a placeholder): Right click with mouse, tap+hold on touch

5516888 - MOAR miscs

  • Further darkmode enhancements
  • New button for opening/closing control panel

5327586 - New 3D cards

Parallax cards will now move around when hovered

050bbee - EVEN MOAR miscs

  • New in edit mode; tap/click a card to enable or disable it
  • Further refinements to shelf
  • batteryCard's fully charged state is now slightly tweaked
  • Fixed card overflow
  • Disabled parallax on touchscreens
  • Increased parallax effect on stock cards
  • Moved card/cards/shelf styling into master_cards

6eaca6a - EVEN MOAR MOAR miscs

  • shortcutCard is no longer in debug mode
  • Fixed another fully-charged batteryCard bug
  • Updated control panel buttons
  • Updated debug cards toggle
  • Updated colors of light&dark stock cards
  • Unified dark mode of stock cards

d05bca6 - Shelf alignment

  • New option to set shelf's horizontal alignment (Note: the animation for this is glitchy. This will be fixed in a future update.)
  • wallCard (Wallpaper preview card):
    • Now reacts when interacted with
    • You can swipe left or right to change the shelf's position
    • Revised design
  • Dramatically improved logic for detecting off-clicks (dismissing control panel, disabling edit mode, etc)

11dccc8 - The Shelf label

  • Fixed shelf-width overflow bug
  • New gesture-pill for opening control panel (touch only)
  • New label for indicating hovered card (desktop only for now)

28693c9 - Click-to-close

You can now click/tap the grabber on the right-side of the shelf to collapse it. Great for viewing the current backdrop!