Package for strain mapping with scanning nanobeam electron diffraction in Matlab
ExampleStrainMap_PTODSO09.m is an example Matlab script showing how to use these functions
A detailed explanation of the theory behind PC (power cepstral) stain mapping analysis can be found in "The Exit-Wave Power-Cepstrum Transform for Scanning Nanobeam Electron Diffraction: Robust Strain Mapping at Subnanometer Resolution and Subpicometer Precision" at
The published paper can be found (and cited) at: E. Padgett, M. E. Holtz, P. Cueva, Y. T. Shao, E. Langenberg, D. G. Schlom, and D. A. Muller. “The Exit-Wave Power-Cepstrum Transform for Scanning Nanobeam Electron Diffraction: Robust Strain Mapping at Subnanometer Resolution and Subpicometer Precision” Ultramicroscopy 214, (2020): 112994. doi:10.1016/j.ultramic.2020.112994, Available at