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Francisco Dias edited this page Jan 30, 2023 · 3 revisions

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Never miss the beat with a simple query to the server for precise time information.


The following function is provided for working with time:


Extra details on structs that are returned as time fetching results:

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This function queries the time of the Game Jolt server. This is an asynchronous function that will trigger either the callback_success method (if task is successful) or the callback_failed method (if task fails).


GameJolt_Time([callback_success], [callback_failed])
Argument Type Description
callback_success function The callback function executed if the request succeeds (a TimeData struct is passed as argument) ✴️ OPTIONAL
callback_failed function The callback function executed if the request fails (error message is passed as argument) ✴️ OPTIONAL




        var _timestamp = timeData.timestamp;
        var _timezone = timeData.timezone;
        var _year = timeData.year;
        var _month = timeData.month;
        var _day =;
        var _hour = timeData.hour;
        var _minute = timeData.minute;
        var _second = timeData.second;

        if (timeData.hour > 0 && timeDate.hour < 3)
            show_debug_message("It's too late, time to go to sleep!");

The code sample above queries the time for the Game Jolt server and if it is too late show a sleeping message.

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This struct is returned as an async result of the call to the following API function calls:

  • GameJolt_Time

    and it contains details that describe the current time.

Property Type Description
timestamp real The UNIX time stamp (in seconds) representing the server's time.
timezone string The timezone of the server (example: "America/New_York")
year real The current year.
month real The current month.
day real The day of the month.
hour real The hour of the day.
minute real The minute of the hour.
second real The seconds of the minute.

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