Support libraries which enable easier development of Android applications that work with Alfresco products.
The libraries are available on Alfresco Nexus as independent modules.
To add any of them use:
repositories {
maven { url "" }
dependencies {
// Auth support library
implementation ''
// Content Services API bindings
implementation ''
// Content Services API binding extensions
implementation ''
The libraries require at minimum Android API 21.
Easiest way to get off the ground is to check the included Sample App.
The sample shows you how to get authentication working with the identity service, and how to integrate that with the API bindings to get your first request going.
The app should just work with your identity service install, but might not match your current configuration so edit AuthConfig.kt if you run into issues.
We'd love to accept your patches and contributions to this project.
All external submissions require formal review. We use GitHub pull requests for this purpose. Consult GitHub Help for more information on using pull requests.
The libs are built with gradle
You may open the project directly in Android Studio and run the Sample App.
Alternatively run ./gradlew assembleDebug
in your terminal.
During development you can use the Sample app as a test bed or publish locally to import the changes into your own application.
To publish locally run./gradlew publishToMavenLocal
and add mavenLocal()
first in your app's repositories list.
We like running a consistent coding style so please run ./gradlew spotlessApply
If you're modifying dependencies also run ./gradlew dependencyUpdates -Pstable
to check for newer dependency versions.