Pre Processing done:
- Stemming - Porter Stemer
- Removed all the stop words
- Used regulatr exression to replace all the email address in sms to string 'email', all the web address to string 'httpadr' and all the number to string 'number'
- Removed all the sms string length equal to one.
Test data/Train data ratio = 0.33
Total No of SMS - 5573
Model used: SVM - Support Vector machine Kernel - Gaussian Kernel
Best Model: C = 600 Train Accuracy 0.997321 Test Accuracy 0.985318 Test Recall 0.900794 Test Precision 0.991266
Confusion Matrix:
Predicted 0 | Predicted 1 | |
Actual 0 | 1584 | 3 |
Actual 1 | 24 | 228 |