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Sprint 2 Feedbacks and Grades

Meysam Feghhi edited this page Feb 26, 2016 · 1 revision

Chemistry Genealogy Sprint 2 [86/100]

Requirements Engineering [20/20]

(usecases and usecase model) or (user stories) [5/5]
Finalization of Tests [5/5]
Finalization of Tech choices [5/5]
Finalization of Gantt OR Story-map [5/5]

Software Design [8/20]

Annotation of Component Diagram [5/5]
Logical Design (ER Model or Class Diagram) [3/15]

The class diagram provided has major problems:

  • The diagram was supposed to show a logical design of the application thus we only expect to see entities from "Model" package associated together (composition, aggregation) with specification of the association types (One-to-one, Many-to-many, etc.) which are the entities that are used to implement the core logic of the application. None of the above were addressed in the diagram. The team is encouraged to extract a class diagram that implements the logic of their application by reading their usecases and then confirm that with the TA before the next sprint due date.

Graphical User Interface [25/25]

Finalization of Storyboard [25/25]

Code (Demo) [13/15]

Implementation of a Walking Skeleton [10/10]
Deliverey of Stories as Planned in Previous Sprints [3/5]

The story titled "Get in contact with the admins" was planned to be done in sprint 2 but was not delivered in demo session.

Project Management [20/20]

Finalization of Team Organization [7/7]
Addressing Feedback [5/5]
Task assignment for Sprint 3 [8/8]
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