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Sprint 1 Feedbacks and Grades

Meysam Feghhi edited this page Jan 31, 2016 · 1 revision

Chemistry Genealogy Sprint 1 [97/100]

Requirements Engineering [45/45]

(usecases and usecase model) or (user stories) [12/15]

The team has developed a list of use cases in a very structured and understandable format. However, the team is encouraged to address the following problems in their requirements for the next sprint:

  • Interactive visualization and exploration (how are A and B related? What ideas contributed to idea X?) mentioned in problem description by client does not seem to be addressed. Usecase #7 seems to be created to address this requirement according to the goal of this usecase. However, the basic flow of this usecase only takes users to the visualization page and does not contain any information about visualization functionalities like relationships, contributed ideas, etc.

  • User story #13 is unclear in explaining the ways system have to import information.

  • Exception #5 of User story #13 seems to be unreasonable. User should never see such notification as "database is full" unless the client has explicitly specified such restriction.

Tests [10/10]
Tech choices [10/10]
Gantt OR Story-map [10/10]

Software Design [15/15]

deployment [7.5/7.5]
component [7.5/7.5]

Graphical User Interface [20/20]

Story board [20/20]

Project Management [20/20]

Team Organization [10/10]
Meeting minutes and reports [10/10]

The team has clean reports of their team meetings. However, members of the team are expected to develop personal logs for evaluation of individual efforts in future sprints.