Preprint paper:
git clone
A Marmousi test data is saved in the folder ``marmousi_model''.
Forward modelling with the true model (parallel computing with 2 workers):
julia -p 2 make_data.jl
The received signal generated with true model are saved in the folder ``temp_data''.
Perform full waveform inversion with the L2 objective function:
julia -p 2 inversion_l2.jl
Perform full waveform inversion with the mixed Wasserstein distance objective function:
julia -p 2 inversion_mixed_ot.jl
Perform full waveform inversion with the unbalanced optimal transport distance objective function:
julia -p 2 inversion_uot.jl
The inverse results for each iterations are saved in the folder ``temp_data''.