Multiple Site JAV (Jepanese Adult Video) Metadata Agent Plex Metadata Agent to fetch material from Multiple Site.
20210612 - remove onejav source which can't fetch metadata anymore
20190525 - Plugin should be working. Please report back if you see any problems.
Install with UAS -
FIle name must contains the ID for example
- Some-name-JUC-981-C.mp4
- JUC-981.mp4
If this plugin help to to show meta data your mass of jav, it is welcome to donate me with what ever you like. This is of course not a requirement and we still love you anyway.
scp *.py admin@[ip]:"'/share/CACHEDEV2_DATA/.qpkg/PlexMediaServer/Library/Plex Media Server/Plug-ins/myplexagent.bundle/Contents/Code/'"