In current example we will learn how to set up IBC relayer between two cosmos chains
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install unzip -y
cd $HOME
mkdir -p $HOME/.hermes/bin
wget "$verison/hermes-$verison-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz"
tar -C $HOME/.hermes/bin/ -vxzf hermes-$verison-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz
rm hermes-$verison-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz
echo "export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.hermes/bin" >> $HOME/.bash_profile
source $HOME/.bash_profile
All settings below are just example for IBC Relayer between stride STRIDE-TESTNET-2
and juno GAIA
testnets. Please fill with your own values.
MEMO='zuka#5870' #add your discord username here
CH1_RPC='' #add the IP of your first node
CH1_RPC_PORT='26657' #add RPC port of your first node
CH1_GRPC_PORT='9090' #add gRPC port of your first node
CH1_CHAIN_ID='STRIDE-TESTNET-2' #add chainID of youe first node
CH1_ACC_PREFIX='stride' #add account prefix
CH1_DENOM='ustrd' #add denom
CH1_TRUST='10h 29m' #add trusting period. Must be less than unbond time
You don't need to change anything if you don't have a gaia installed (my node is used here)
CH2_RPC='' #add the IP of your second node
CH2_RPC_PORT='36657' #add RPC port of your second node
CH2_GRPC_PORT='9797' #add gRPC port of your second node
CH2_CHAIN_ID='GAIA' #add ChainID of your second node
CH2_ACC_PREFIX='cosmos' #add account prefix
CH2_DENOM='uatom' #add denom
CH2_TRUST='10h 29m' #add trusting period. Must be less than unbond time
echo "
export CH1_DENOM=${CH1_DENOM}
export CH2_DENOM=${CH2_DENOM}
export MEMO=${MEMO}
" >> $HOME/.bash_profile
source $HOME/.bash_profile
Generate hermes config file using variables we have defined above (copy and paste into the terminal with one command)
echo "[global]
log_level = 'info'
enabled = true
refresh = true
misbehaviour = false
enabled = false
enabled = false
enabled = true
clear_interval = 100
clear_on_start = true
tx_confirmation = true
enabled = true
host = ''
port = 3000
enabled = true
host = ''
port = 3001
id = '$CH1_CHAIN_ID'
rpc_addr = 'http://$CH1_RPC:$CH1_RPC_PORT'
grpc_addr = 'http://$CH1_RPC:$CH1_GRPC_PORT'
websocket_addr = 'ws://$CH1_RPC:$CH1_RPC_PORT/websocket'
rpc_timeout = '10s'
account_prefix = '$CH1_ACC_PREFIX'
key_name = '$CH1_REL_WALLET'
store_prefix = 'ibc'
max_tx_size = 100000
max_gas = 20000000
gas_price = { price = 0.001, denom = '$CH1_DENOM' }
gas_adjustment = 0.1
max_msg_num = 30
clock_drift = '5s'
trusting_period = '$CH1_TRUST'
trust_threshold = { numerator = '1', denominator = '3' }
memo_prefix = '$MEMO'
policy = 'allow'
list = [
['transfer', 'channel-0'],# gaia
['icacontroller-GAIA.DELEGATION', 'channel-1'],
['icacontroller-GAIA.FEE', 'channel-2'],
['icacontroller-GAIA.WITHDRAWAL', 'channel-3'],
['icacontroller-GAIA.REDEMPTION', 'channel-4'],
id = '$CH2_CHAIN_ID'
rpc_addr = 'http://$CH2_RPC:$CH2_RPC_PORT'
grpc_addr = 'http://$CH2_RPC:$CH2_GRPC_PORT'
websocket_addr = 'ws://$CH2_RPC:$CH2_RPC_PORT/websocket'
rpc_timeout = '10s'
account_prefix = '$CH2_ACC_PREFIX'
key_name = '$CH2_REL_WALLET'
store_prefix = 'ibc'
default_gas = 100000
max_gas = 2000000
gas_price = { price = 0.01, denom = '$CH2_DENOM' }
gas_adjustment = 0.1
max_msg_num = 30
max_tx_size = 2097152
clock_drift = '5s'
max_block_time = '30s'
trusting_period = '$CH2_TRUST'
trust_threshold = { numerator = '1', denominator = '3' }
memo_prefix = '$MEMO'
address_type = { derivation = 'cosmos' }
policy = 'allow'
list = [
['transfer', 'channel-0'],# gaia
['icahost', 'channel-4'],
['icahost', 'channel-1'],
['icahost', 'channel-2'],
['icahost', 'channel-3'],
]" > $HOME/.hermes/config.toml
Before proceeding further please check if your configuration is correct
hermes health-check
Healthy output should look like:
2022-07-21T19:38:15.571398Z INFO ThreadId(01) using default configuration from '/root/.hermes/config.toml'
2022-07-21T19:38:15.573884Z INFO ThreadId(01) [STRIDE-TESTNET-2] performing health check...
2022-07-21T19:38:15.614273Z INFO ThreadId(01) chain is healthy chain=STRIDE-TESTNET-2
2022-07-21T19:38:15.614313Z INFO ThreadId(01) [GAIA] performing health check...
2022-07-21T19:38:15.627747Z INFO ThreadId(01) chain is healthy chain=GAIA
Success: performed health check for all chains in the config
Before you proceed with this step, please make sure you have created and funded with tokens seperate wallets on each chain!
Replace <insert mnemonic here>
with the mnemonic from your wallet
hermes keys restore $CH1_CHAIN_ID -n $CH1_REL_WALLET -m "<insert mnemonics here>"
hermes keys restore $CH2_CHAIN_ID -n $CH2_REL_WALLET -m "<insert mnemonics here>"
Successful output should look like:
2022-07-21T19:54:13.778550Z INFO ThreadId(01) using default configuration from '/root/.hermes/config.toml'
Success: Restored key 'wallet' (stride19u539q85fun7nax92w853gcqtl74kr0evd65cl) on chain STRIDE-TESTNET-2
2022-07-21T19:54:14.956171Z INFO ThreadId(01) using default configuration from '/root/.hermes/config.toml'
Success: Restored key 'wallet' (juno19u539q85fun7nax92w853gcqtl74kr0ee5ent0) on chain GAIA
(copy and paste into the terminal with one command)
sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/hermesd.service > /dev/null <<EOF
ExecStart=$(which hermes) start
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable hermesd
sudo systemctl restart hermesd && journalctl -u hermesd -f
2022-07-30T07:05:15.322025Z INFO ThreadId(01) Scanned chains:
2022-07-30T07:05:15.322031Z INFO ThreadId(01) # Chain: STRIDE-TESTNET-2
- Client: 07-tendermint-0
* Connection: connection-0
| State: OPEN
| Counterparty state: OPEN
+ Channel: channel-0
| Port: transfer
| State: OPEN
| Counterparty: channel-0
+ Channel: channel-1
| Port: icacontroller-GAIA.DELEGATION
| State: CLOSED
| Counterparty: channel-4
+ Channel: channel-2
| Port: icacontroller-GAIA.FEE
| State: OPEN
| Counterparty: channel-1
+ Channel: channel-3
| Port: icacontroller-GAIA.WITHDRAWAL
| State: OPEN
| Counterparty: channel-2
+ Channel: channel-4
| Port: icacontroller-GAIA.REDEMPTION
| State: OPEN
| Counterparty: channel-3
# Chain: GAIA
- Client: 07-tendermint-0
* Connection: connection-0
| State: OPEN
| Counterparty state: OPEN
+ Channel: channel-0
| Port: transfer
| State: OPEN
| Counterparty: channel-0
+ Channel: channel-1
| Port: icahost
| State: OPEN
| Counterparty: channel-2
+ Channel: channel-2
| Port: icahost
| State: OPEN
| Counterparty: channel-3
+ Channel: channel-3
| Port: icahost
| State: OPEN
| Counterparty: channel-4
+ Channel: channel-4
| Port: icahost
| State: CLOSED
| Counterparty: channel-1
2022-07-30T07:05:15.322071Z INFO ThreadId(01) connection is Open, state on destination chain is Open chain=STRIDE-TESTNET-2 connection=connection-0 counterparty_chain=GAIA
2022-07-30T07:05:15.322079Z INFO ThreadId(01) connection is already open, not spawning Connection worker chain=STRIDE-TESTNET-2 connection=connection-0
2022-07-30T07:05:15.322088Z INFO ThreadId(01) no connection workers were spawn chain=STRIDE-TESTNET-2 connection=connection-0
2022-07-30T07:05:15.322098Z INFO ThreadId(01) channel is OPEN, state on destination chain is OPEN chain=STRIDE-TESTNET-2 counterparty_chain=GAIA channel=channel-0
2022-07-30T07:05:15.329270Z INFO ThreadId(01) spawned client worker: client::GAIA->STRIDE-TESTNET-2:07-tendermint-0
2022-07-30T07:05:15.370754Z INFO ThreadId(01) done spawning channel workers chain=STRIDE-TESTNET-2 channel=channel-0
2022-07-30T07:05:15.370788Z INFO ThreadId(01) channel is CLOSED, state on destination chain is CLOSED chain=STRIDE-TESTNET-2 counterparty_chain=GAIA channel=channel-1
2022-07-30T07:05:15.370807Z INFO ThreadId(01) no channel workers were spawned chain=STRIDE-TESTNET-2 channel=channel-1
2022-07-30T07:05:15.370818Z INFO ThreadId(01) channel is OPEN, state on destination chain is OPEN chain=STRIDE-TESTNET-2 counterparty_chain=GAIA channel=channel-2
2022-07-30T07:05:15.393068Z INFO ThreadId(01) done spawning channel workers chain=STRIDE-TESTNET-2 channel=channel-2
2022-07-30T07:05:15.393092Z INFO ThreadId(01) channel is OPEN, state on destination chain is OPEN chain=STRIDE-TESTNET-2 counterparty_chain=GAIA channel=channel-3
2022-07-30T07:05:15.416351Z INFO ThreadId(01) done spawning channel workers chain=STRIDE-TESTNET-2 channel=channel-3
2022-07-30T07:05:15.416385Z INFO ThreadId(01) channel is OPEN, state on destination chain is OPEN chain=STRIDE-TESTNET-2 counterparty_chain=GAIA channel=channel-4
2022-07-30T07:05:15.442518Z INFO ThreadId(01) done spawning channel workers chain=STRIDE-TESTNET-2 channel=channel-4
2022-07-30T07:05:15.442712Z INFO ThreadId(01) spawning Wallet worker: wallet::STRIDE-TESTNET-2
2022-07-30T07:05:15.442745Z INFO ThreadId(01) connection is Open, state on destination chain is Open chain=GAIA connection=connection-0 counterparty_chain=STRIDE-TESTNET-2
2022-07-30T07:05:15.442755Z INFO ThreadId(01) connection is already open, not spawning Connection worker chain=GAIA connection=connection-0
2022-07-30T07:05:15.442763Z INFO ThreadId(01) no connection workers were spawn chain=GAIA connection=connection-0
2022-07-30T07:05:15.442773Z INFO ThreadId(01) channel is OPEN, state on destination chain is OPEN chain=GAIA counterparty_chain=STRIDE-TESTNET-2 channel=channel-0
2022-07-30T07:05:15.465813Z INFO ThreadId(01) spawned client worker: client::STRIDE-TESTNET-2->GAIA:07-tendermint-0
2022-07-30T07:05:15.493443Z INFO ThreadId(01) done spawning channel workers chain=GAIA channel=channel-0
2022-07-30T07:05:15.493482Z INFO ThreadId(01) channel is OPEN, state on destination chain is OPEN chain=GAIA counterparty_chain=STRIDE-TESTNET-2 channel=channel-1
2022-07-30T07:05:15.506726Z INFO ThreadId(01) done spawning channel workers chain=GAIA channel=channel-1
2022-07-30T07:05:15.506751Z INFO ThreadId(01) channel is OPEN, state on destination chain is OPEN chain=GAIA counterparty_chain=STRIDE-TESTNET-2 channel=channel-2
2022-07-30T07:05:15.520773Z INFO ThreadId(01) done spawning channel workers chain=GAIA channel=channel-2
2022-07-30T07:05:15.520800Z INFO ThreadId(01) channel is OPEN, state on destination chain is OPEN chain=GAIA counterparty_chain=STRIDE-TESTNET-2 channel=channel-3
2022-07-30T07:05:15.533915Z INFO ThreadId(01) done spawning channel workers chain=GAIA channel=channel-3
2022-07-30T07:05:15.533939Z INFO ThreadId(01) channel is CLOSED, state on destination chain is CLOSED chain=GAIA counterparty_chain=STRIDE-TESTNET-2 channel=channel-4
2022-07-30T07:05:15.533949Z INFO ThreadId(01) no channel workers were spawned chain=GAIA channel=channel-4
2022-07-30T07:05:15.534097Z INFO ThreadId(01) spawning Wallet worker: wallet::GAIA
2022-07-30T07:05:15.569809Z INFO ThreadId(01) Hermes has started