Home Assistant Integration is available as a successor to this template.
Weather forecast from Malaysia Meteorological Department (MET) API.
Please register and obtain METToken from https://api.met.gov.my/
- 2 Weather entity: weekly and current day
- Location code is now available as dropdown list.
- METToken number is now defined in
- Satellite imagery can be selected from a dropdown list.
- Included satellite imagery from Windy
- Added sensors from wttr.in
- Browse into your Home Assistant directory and paste all files into
2. Add your METToken to secrets.yaml
- Add the following line into the secret yaml file. (IMPORTANT: replace below with your acquired METToken)
metmalaysia: METToken 1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234
3. Enable package in configuration.yaml
- Add the following line into the config file
packages: !include_dir_named HAMY/
- Restart Home Assistant to take effect.
4. Dashboard lovelace-ui.yaml
- Add new card, scroll at the bottom and choose Manual.
- Copy & paste the YAML respectively.
- Select location from the drop down list
- Select the satellite imagery
[It may take a while for the sensor to fully update]
- Idea #1: Prompt/notify to take your laundry if its going to rain.
- Idea #2: Send reminder on today's weather before going out.
- Feel free to apply any automation from these sensors
- Bro Anas for pointing out MET API
- MET Malaysia
- HomeAssistantMalaysia