[0.3.0] - 2023-09-30
- Azure Private DNS module (terraform-zscc-private-dns-azure)
- add: deployment types base_1cc_zpa/base_cc_lb_zpa (greenfield/pov/test) with Azure Private DNS module integration
- add: conditional variable zpa_enabled for cc_lb (brownfield/prod) deployment for Azure Private DNS module integration
- add: zsec additions for new deployment options + domains adding to Private DNS Resolver Rule creation
- AzureRM Provider version bump to 3.74.x default. Support from 3.46.x to 3.74.x
- Encryption at Host enabled by default
- add: encryption_at_host_enabled variable and default to true
- change: workload VM for greenfield deployments dns_servers to Azure DNS default
- add: AZURE_MANAGED_IDENTITY_CLIENT_ID field to userdata generation
- change: variable load_distribution set to Azure "Default" corresponding to None/5-tuple session persistency in the Azure Portal.
- change: name_prefix variable default to zscc
- refactor: terraform-zscc-network-azure to remove data source read dependencies
- add: variable probe_threshold for Azure LB health probe fixes