You can create a offline wallet and do some operation.
If I have free time I will complete it and make a standalone installer for it~
Or use Django make a web application and add the private_key protection.
I just know base64 and maybe cut the key and exchange the order?
I will learn something about it .
I didn't get transaction api still now, so I can't do transaction now.
This is my second time use python.
Use public api query address infomation
2.Create new wallet
Generate a new key and new address
3.Show my QR codd
Use funny terminal qrcode lib show qrcode in terminal,actully it can also use an api but can't show without GUI
4.Show my transaction history
Use public api query TX info but if don't have can't get right result
5.Change a wallet
Call another function to change Wallet
I don't want to teach how to install python3.7...
But after install python3.7
You need install these :
pip install ecdsa
pip install requests
pip install qrcode_terminal
Install Jokewallet:
Git clone
cd Jokewallet/jokewallet
pip install Jokewallet Will be fixed
Run Jokewallet:
Input a wallet name ,if already exist will open wallet,then you can use it.
Otherwise create a new wallet.