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Zoilo Mora edited this page Jul 22, 2017 · 1 revision

User Guide


On this page the frequent configurations can be made in the proxy. For more information about Squid, go to the official website.

After installation

After the installation, the default proxy port is 3128. It can be modified by changing the http_port parameter in the file /etc/squid/squid.conf

Note: If the server is behind a NAT, it will have to open the corresponding port on the router.

Client configuration

Mozilla Firefox

  1. Go to Advanced Browser Settings and click the Settings... button.

  2. Select the Manual proxy configuration option.

  3. Enter the IP or DNS of your proxy server in the HTTP Proxy field and the Port in the Port field.

  4. Check the Use this proxy server for all protocols option.

  5. Click OK and Restart your browser.


Now you can surf anonymously!

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