Octodevs is a simple web app for sharing your GitHub profile with other developers.
I made this project to try some libraries and tools. You can check what I used down below.
- User authentication with Github (NextAuth)
- The user's GitHub profile can be shared and unshared (tRPC, Prisma)
- Infinite scrolling of the user's profile (react-intersection-observer)
- Data stored with MySQL (Prisma, PlanetScale)
- QStash (Upstash) updates all the profiles every day.
- T3 Stack - Application Bootstrapping
- Next.js - The web framework
- React - The UI library
- Tailwind CSS - CSS framework
- React Intersection Observer - Intersection Observer API
- CVA - Class Variance Authority
- NextAuth.js - Authentication
- tRPC - Type-safe API layer
- Prisma - Database ORM
- Zod - Schema validation
- Docker - Local MySQL database
- React Query - Data fetching
- GitHub Octicons - Icons
- GitHub API - Used to fetch user data
- PlanetScale - Database hosting
- Vercel - Deployment
- Upstash - Schedule profiles sync with Github
This project is licensed under the MIT License