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  • PyTorch (version >= 1.10.0)
  • numpy
  • pandas


  1. Install pytorch-sparse:
    1. git clone [link in my github repo]
    2. cd pytorch-sparse && git checkout a64fx_dev && python install
  2. Install pytorch-scatter:
    1. git clone [link in my github repo]
    2. cd pytorch-scatter && git checkout a64fx_dev && python install
  3. Install pytorch-geometric:
    1. git clone [link in my github repo]
    2. cd pytorch-geometric && git checkout zhuang_dev && python install
  4. Install ParMetis for graph partition
    1. please follow the instructions provided by subsection ParMETIS Installation in the
  5. Install this framework:
    1. git clone [link]
    2. Install kernel
      1. cd super_gnn/ops && python install
    3. Install framework
      1. cd ../../ && python install

Run full-batch graphsage training

1. Graph partition

  1. Preprocess raw graph data:
    1. cd super_gnn/graph_partition/
    2. python --dataset=${graph_name} --raw_dir=./dataset/ --processed_dir=${processed_dir} --is_undirected
      • --dataset is the name of dataset, option: [ogbn-arxiv, ogbn-products, reddit, proteins, ogbn-papers100M, ogbn-mag240M]
      • --raw_dir is the root directory for saving the raw dataset
      • --processed_dir is the directory for saving the preprocessed dataset that will be used by later graph partition
      • --is_undirected make the raw graph dataset to be undirected (for directed graph)
  2. Partition graph with ParMetis
    1. cd ${processed_dir}
    2. make sure you have set two environment variables for ParMetis:
      • export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/local/bin
      • export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$HOME/local/lib/
    3. mpirun -np ${num_procs} pm_dglpart ${graph_name} ${num_part_each_proc}
      1. num_procs is the number of MPI processes for graph partition
      2. num_part_each_proc is the number of subgraphs each MPI processes generates. So the total number of subgraph after graph partition is num_procs * num_part_each_proc
      3. graph_name is the name of dataset, option: [ogbn_arxiv, ogbn_products, reddit, proteins, ogbn_papers100M, ogbn_mag240M_paper_cites_paper]
    4. With the previous 3 steps, you will get the graph partition results in ${processed_dir}.
  3. Postprocess graph partition result
    1. Back to directory super_gnn/graph_partition/, python -o ${out_dir} -ir ${in_raw_dir} -ip ${in_partition_dir} -g ${graph_name} -b 0 -e ${total_num_procs} -p ${num_process}
      1. out_dir: the directory for saving the postprocessed dataset. the name of this folder must to be set as: ${graph_name}_${num_of_subgraphs}_part/
      2. in_raw_dir: the directory of saving the preprocessed dataset
      3. in_partition_dir: the directory of saving the graph partition results (${processed_dir})
      4. graph_name is the name of dataset, option: [ogbn_arxiv, ogbn_products, reddit, proteins, ogbn_papers100M, ogbn_mag240M_paper_cites_paper]
      5. b: is the id of beginning subgraphs, default: 0
      6. e: is the id of ending subgraphs, default: total_num_subgraphs
      7. num_process: the number of processes spawned for postprocessing
  4. With the previous 3 steps, graph partitioning for getting a specific number of subgraphs is over. if you want to get the other number of subgraphs, you need to repeat step 2 and step 3 for graph partition, change the value of num_procs * num_part_each_proc.

2. Run full-batch graphsage training

  1. partition the graph with the instruction provided in subsection graph partition.
  2. back to top directory of this project, then cd examples/graphsage/
  3. change the input data dir: by modifying the yaml files in config/fugaku/. the input_dir must to be set as the father directory of out_dir indicated in the previous (postprocess) step .
  4. also you can change the model hyperparameters by modifying the yaml files.
  5. back to the examples/graphsage/, then use following command to run the full-batch graphsage training:
    1. mpirun -np ${num_procs} python --config=./config/fugaku/${graph_name}.yaml
      • -np (num_procs): number of MPI processes for training
      • --config: the training config file located at config/fugaku/
      • --num_bits: number of bits for boundary node communication, option: [32, 16, 8, 4, 2], default: 32
      • --is_pre_delay: use pre-post aggregation for communication, option: [true, false], default: false
      • --is_label_augment: use label augmentation, option: [true, false], default: false
    2. Example for running full-batch graphsage training on ogbn-product dataset using 32 mpi processes, int2 for communication, enable pre-post aggregation for communication, and label augmentation: mpirun -np 32 python --config=./config/fugaku/ogbn-products.yaml --num_bits=2 --is_pre_delay=true --is_label_augment=true

3. Reproduce our experiment result on Fugaku

  1. partition the graph with the instruction provided in subsection graph partition.
  2. change the input data dir: by modifying the yaml files in config/fugaku/. the input_dir must to be set as the father directory of out_dir indicated in the previous (postprocess) step.
  3. back to the top directory of this project. then bash submit_scripts_at_fugaku/${graph_name}/submit_scripts/submit_${graph_name} replace the ${graph_name} with the graph name. option: [ogbn-arxiv, ogbn-products, reddit, proteins, ogbn-papers100M, ogbn-mag240M_paper_cites_paper]

4. Reproduce our experiment result on ABCI

Since we update the code a lot, the result of this repo might not match with the result in our paper. To reproduce the result of ABCI in our paper, please refer to the original repo: empty link

  1. partition the graph with the instruction provided in subsection graph partition.
  2. change the input data dir: by modifying the yaml files in config/abci/. the input_dir must to be set as the father directory of out_dir indicated in the previous (postprocess) step.
  3. back to the top directory of this project. then bash submit_scripts_at_abci/batch_job_submission/submit_${graph_name} replace the ${graph_name} with the graph name. option: [ogbn-arxiv, ogbn-products, reddit, proteins, ogbn-papers100M, ogbn-mag240M_paper_cites_paper]


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