Leading UI&Ux Engineer, Inspired by MIT's Android App Inventor. This system is a online virtual self-learning environment and assignments management system led by Prof. Steve Fickas at University of Oregon cooperating with MIT Center for Mobile Learning @ MIT Media Lab. Features include assignments management, and a scalable design that allows for integration with student information systems and authentication protocols. Construct with JavaScript , JSF, PrimeFace and MySQL. This project is still under construction and open-sourced.
Follow the instructions in wiki page
Make sure the following environment matched before moving into code trouble shooting
- Dynamic Web Module 3.0
- Java 1.6
- Javascript 1.0
- JavaServer Faces 2.0
- Tomcat Server 6.0
- mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.5.28
- Primefaces 3.3
There are three files under path: src/java/mybeans/mydb/compare, handling the whole data structure an comparing algorithm.
Defines the data unit that stores the JSON structure.dataBuild.java
Defines the algorithm of parsing the JSON file generated bu App Inventor. It converts the JSON object to the "Component" so that comparing function can apply them for comparison.compareUI.java
Handles the comparison. It has seperate functions to deal with different types of comparisons.splitList.java
Splits the UI components to invisible components and visible components.