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This plug-in provide functionality to allow Sequel::Model to have fields sanitized with a defined or default method.
To use plug-in you add plug-in to your model:
class MyModel < Sequel::Model plugin :sanitize, :fields => [:first_name, :last_name], :sanitizer => :name_sanitizer plugin :sanitize, :fields => [:email], :downcase => true end
You can use following options:
- fields
an array of the fields that the sanitizer method should be applied to
- sanitizer
Proc or Symbol to call to sanitize the value of the field.
- downcase
Set to true to downcase the value returned from the sanitizer
Options sanitizer and downcase are optional.
Options are inherited when you use inheritance for your models. However you can only set options via plugin method.
If you don’t provide a :sanitizer, the default sanitizer method will strip whitespace
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