Spatter is a SPA super basic version of Twitter built on Silex, with the lightest sprinkling of Vue.js (10 whole lines!?!). Why start spatting? It's a nice foundation to do other cool things, like show-off a slick UI (Spatter uses BootStrap 4), or extend it to make the next Twitter.
Have PHP 5.6 installed (it might work on PHP 7 but thats not a guarantee!) and also have Composer
Clone this repository
Create a MySQL schema named spatter and update the necessary fields in src/AppBundle/Config/database.yml
Run All the following commands from the project root
- Run
composer install
- Run
composer update
- Run
vendor/bin/doctrine orm:schema-tool:create
- Run
composer dump-autoload -o
- Run
php -S localhost:8888 -t public
Go to localhost:8888 and start spatting!